Radar detector??

Okay ASSHAT…but I simply asked if you had one.

If you do and instead of telling me how much one is going to be. Maybe you personally could tell me why you prefer yours that costs that over another that may cost the same. ( I am sure there where more than just one out there that costs $500.00 ) If you going to give opinions thats good…if you wanna give an intelligent opinion then it would be nice if you could give me a useful one with some info in it.

I am pretty sure that is just as simple to put a price on something…if I am going to buy one for that much then I was looking for some info. about what to look for specifically. I am sure there is more than ONE benefit that YOU found than it costing $500.00 ( or is that the most important thing to you ).

Or you continue to be a cock and say the same thing over an over. Without really offering anything useful. I asked for advice on WHY I should get one over another. And if its best to get one thats alittle pricey than so be it…how about Y to get that one tho??