Rain Or Shine?

Is this still going to happen even if its raining?

90% chance of rain

yea i was lookin at that…wonderin what’s gonna happen

of course we’re still doing it…

it never rains in st. catharines as much as they say it will.

Well I guess that just means bathing shorts are the easy option. Lets hope for some clear weather though!


well if it rains or is calling for rain in the morning i dont tihnk ill make it.

Rain sucks. .i hope it dont rain…dang haha

I was going to save this but since some people are scared…

i promise to manually alter the weather to prevent it from raining on sunday.

i have struck a deal with mother nature and have been granted authority over the planet earth and can therefore guarantee that it will never rain again ever… on earth.

thank you for your time

but think of the effects to agricultre, please no Bing, we’ll all starve and die, and futhermore all your old U of G profs will be very dissapointed if you doom humaity.

I’m sorry Darian, i have to do it.

My brother saw Matisyahu (<spelling) clear the skies at a concert in the US. i studied his technique and i can now command the weather too. so it has been requested, so it shall be done.

but thank you for getting the point

Matisyahu rocks.

Well it shows traces and precents of 70% now so lets hope it keeps going down!

it really is often milder than the weather suggests here in Niagara on account of the escarpment.

a little bit of rain to keep it cool might be a great thing actually.

anyone who pussies out on account of mild rain doesnt deserve to be here anyways.

I hope it’s going to rain men. :smiley:

It’s raining men?

bing you should of talked to me… me and mother nature are in the same rain class together HHAAAAAAAAAAAA Ill be there rain or shine. ill be heading out in my tricked out wheel barrel. sitting on 55s

i hate to break it to you but there is no such thing as wheel barrels anymore… someone lied to you.

Heh, sorry to “rain on your” er… meet… Bing, but I’m gonna do a raindance as soon as I get into the parking lot, and Native raindance trumps agreement with Mother Nature. We have an over-riding contract. :wink:

Thats TRUE.
Ive been waiting to go ever since it was posted, Rain or shine…hopefully shine Im THERE…:smiley: …pussies better show.lol