Rand Paul (son of Ron Paul) running for senate in KY

Hes a physician like his father, and wouldnt you know it, he opposes socialized healthcare as well!

Video anouncing his run at the seat…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGWy-dPATRM

Someone had sex with Ron Paul?!

isnt this old news? Could have sworn I heard about this a couple weeks ago…

Is it just a coincidence, or did he actually name his son after the author of Atlas Shrugged?

Yeah, I got the memo(email) a couple weeks ago.
Good news though.

So how far did the apple fall from the crazy tree?

You all know I’m no Obama fan but Ron Paul isn’t the answer either, and if is son is like him, neither is Rand.

Crazy tree?


Boring, call me when someone relevant runs. Probably a crazy hack like his dad.

just curious as to why is ron paul a “crazy / hack”?

The shortest answer is he honestly believes the gold standard could work in the present-day economy.

Go Pauls!

And obama believed he would have a signed health care bill by now. What a crazy hack.

Well, maybe crazy to think that Congress would ever get something done on time, but certainly not a hack. Ron Paul wants practically no government except to stop people from getting abortions. :bloated: The only views he has that make any sense are drug policy and isolationism.

He wants a return to the constitution, that’s all. His foreign policy is one of non-interventionism, not isolationism. There is a difference. Not a big deal, but I figured I would point it out.

P.S when are we ever going to get beers and solve the worlds problems?

We need to work that out. I gotta start looking for quality scotch and a pipe.

Macallan 12? HMMMMMM my favorite!


yes he did, she was philosopher as well, she has many very intelligent quotes and ron paul mentions her name regularly.


he never ever said that the federal government should stop people from getting abortions. Get your facts straight, he is opposed to them because they deny the right to life, but he has said many times that as the president he would never make the decision to regulate abortions. He would leave the decision up to the states where it belongs.