Huntington, WV
“two mourners who rode an all-terrain vechile to the service for a man killed in an ATV accident were injured in a similar accident as they were leaving. Jummy Spry, 20, and Maggan Phillips(Maggan???wtf) were not wearing helmets Wednesday when SPry lost control of the ATV and hit a tree. They were attending the funeral of Phillips’ brother, dustin, who died after hitting a tree on an ATV”
:wtf: leave it to west virginians to not only ride ATV’s to a funeral, yet to a funeral of a KID that died riding one, but to also wreck not wearing helmets into a tree!
New Smyrana Beach Fl
“Police say one man could be responsible for a sting of bixarre breaks-ins over four years involving a naked perpetrator who sometimes tickles the feet of sleeping elderly woman”
:wtf: x2 x3
“a sixteen year old girl was accused of fatally stabbing her grandfather early yesterday, one day after she was released from junvenile detention in connection with another knike attack. … David Underwood, 64, was stabbed with a kitchen knife at least 21 times while he slept”
… hopefully this bitch isn’t released again :rolleyes:
“police charged a woman with two accounts of murder yesterday, accusing her of beating her two sons to death wtih a 10-pound dumbbell because she thought they would be better off in heaven”
"police shot and killed a man wearing a thick coat at a london subway station today… …“they pushed him onto the floor and unloaded five shots into him. He’s dead,” witness Mark Whitby told the BBC “he looked like a cornered fox. He looked pertrified”
:wtf: remind me not to wear a ‘thick coat’ around town :eek:
and i only got to page 4 of the news paper! I swear there is some fucked up shit in the newspaper!
don’t buy iced tea in cartons from heavily smoked out areas… i went into a convience store / cigar shop to buy an iced tea… i drank one gulp and all i could smell / taste is cigars… paper cartons do nothing for contanination.
women that never wear high-heels are funny… i saw one woman break her shoe in 2 pieces walking across cobblestone today… also saw another girl walking like a 6 year old with her mom’s shoes on and book on her head… HAHA
guys, make your gf’s practice wearing shoes at home!
that is all
/pointless thread