date an amish, that would be an epic thread. then you could contribute to the jail bait thread also!
my upstairs neighbor is my gf’s brother, i bet he hears us banging all the time. and the best part is his gf wont put out so i never hear anything in retaliation
Crazy old neighbor next door likes to accuse everyone of hitting her illegally parked car on the corner that looks to have been in multiple collisions. It’s rather comical.
Not many neighbors now, but when I lived at home we had the typical cranky old fuck that lived about a block away. He would drive around the neighborhood and report anything he could- unregistered cars, etc. The inspector said he reported 40 violations in a day. He would call the cops on the cop that lived across the street because his grass was too high. He would also call the cops if someone parked on the street in front of his house. (100% legal parking). The kid across the street started parking stripped cars on his trailer diagonally across the front lawn just to spite the guy after years of harassment. I had quite the confrontation when my car died at the foot of my driveway, and the guy actually had the balls to stop and continue bitching about me being illegally parked. He actually chirped the tires of his Acura TL as I booked full speed at his car after I had enough of his lip. I don’t say this often, but I hope he dies.
I googled my neighbors when I moved in and found out that they filed for bankruptcy a few years ago, he also supposedly struck a women arguing in the street a few years ago as well. He is an assistant DA.
Arent amosh bitches like against shaving and shit though? I dont care how cute a girl is. If she looks like a fucking sasquach when shes naked then fuck that. Only hair a woman should have is ontop of her head.
my neighbors suck, the people on the one side of us have dogs that bark at me no matter where I am on my own property, sometimes they see me on my deck (I am on the 2nd floor) and they look up and bark at me
I always yell “SHUT THE FUCK UP!!” but it dosent work and the people dont seem to care
I would love to choke the goddamn motherfuckers
we have a fence that borders our property that conviently fences their yard so the dogs can sit outside all day, I am thinking I am going to tear it down just to be a dick and to let them pay $$$$$$$$$$$ to fence in their yard with their own fence
that and our other neighbor has a real fuck up for a kid, the kids always out shooting shit in the back yard, blowing up fireworks, revving the piss out of his truck ect ect
basically the kid makes noise constantly and dosent ever seem to go to school or work
the best part is if I make any fucking noise what so ever the dad calls the cops on me
across the street we have the local highschool for “neighbors” lets just say they are by far about the worst “neighbors” you could ever ask for
I think I am going to seafoam all of my cars the next time they have some big outdoor event
How is a 3 in any way like a BMW, Cadillac, or MB? Or the fact that my post said that I am surrounded with people who are in section 8 housing yet have NEW 08/09 luxury cars in the drive ways…
I’ve got it pretty good. On one side I’ve got a couple in their 40’s or so. Get along great with them, we help each other out on projects around the house all the time. 3 real good kids.
On the other side I’ve got a real old couple, probably late 70’s. He worked on Wonder bread trucks most of his life, another real good guy. I always clear his sidewalk when I’m snowblowing mine. When ever I’m working on the car and need some large wrench or socket I don’t have chances are I can borrow it from him.
We were good friends with the family across the street but they moved to Clarence. I think the couple that moved in are spys or something. They drive in, hit the garage door opener, pull into the garage, and close the door behind them. In the year they’ve lived there I’ve seen them outside once. They even put their garbage out under cover of darkness. I think I may have to pull some Tom Hanks style “The Burbs” recon on them.