why must these kids complain about gas. Seriously, im not gonna give u $20 off a $40 item because u live a half hour away and its gonna cost u in gas. If u want the part that me, or somebody else is selling then ur gonna pay the price, and drive and get the part. Or ur not getting it. Now i can understand bardering of course. Just cause i ask $50 doesnt mean i want $50 maybe i want $40 and when i say $40’s fine then they say sell it to me for less cause i have to drive, then just piss off. Will part source give u a better price because u had to drive from milton to toronto to get to one. no i dont think so…
What is age range do you have to be to be considered a kids on SON? The reason I ask is because I feel like an old douche compared to some of the members here.
I will typically gather up 2-6 things to do 240 related if I am going to teh GTA for sales/purchases, that way if 50% of the people flake I have accomplished something
bartering; To trade goods or services without the exchange of money.
I completely agree, you should NOT ask for less if your buying and have to drive, or ask for more money if your selling and have to deliver yourself. I do believe however that the person who is not driving should look at the situation and consider offering something in good faith.
Situations like, you want a turbo someone is selling and have to drive from mississauga to downtown to get it, you have agreed on a price and made arrangements several days in advance and the seller holds the item for you. Day comes, transaction is made, done deal, no need to complain about gas or anything, everything was done before hand. Real life situation, i sold my motor to Rob, everything was talked about over the phone and PM days in advance, i delivered and went out of my way as I had originally offered, I didn’t ask for more or less and neither did he, a simple agreed transaction.
On the other hand, the person who is driving is either selling last minute to help someone out and working solely on the buyers schedule out of complete kindness. Or is buying last minute and helping the seller get rid of something that he needs to sell badly and has to drive 100KM+, nothing was agreed in advance and the driver is doing everything out of completely kindness, the person who is not driving should consider this and offer something like an extra $5 more or less in thanks. Enough to buy a beer or cover some gas, but nothing crazy.
Real life situation, I baught parts off Benson, it was a fantastic deal, I had cash on hand, PM’d and let him know I wanted it right away, but I was stuck working at my parent’s bakery and couldn’t leave. Benson could have easily said “sorry but I don’t feel like driving and I got 5 other people wanting to buy these parts” but instead he figured he would trust that I would not back out and said he would to drive up to me, it was freezing and it was sort of out of his way but he came up on short notice. I noticed his kindness and tossed in an extra $10 bucks to say “thanks, some gas is on me and buy yourself a beer”.
Sorry for the long ass post but I am at my parent’s bakery now and bored out of my mind.
or if i send u bloody pics of a part and then u drive down here just freaking low ball me more. then whatever piss off. honestly don’t be mad at me cause u know what u were coming down here for that’s why i sent u VERY detailed pics. if u didn’t like what u saw in the pics don’t freaking come here and tell me “its not what i expected. ill give u 10 bucks” for something im selling for 50. freaking idiots. nothing changes in the time i take the pic to the 2 days later u come down. then u have the right to pull out the “well I drove down here u should give me the money off”? uhhh no. I don’t think so. THAT annoys me.
when i bought my new 240 i had to drive 2 hours to pick it up and pay for a tow truck and i still paid full price and did not mind doing it. if someone is giving u a good price on a part don’t annoy the piss out of them or it wont happen again! I don’t get why ppl don’t understand this? What’s so hard about it.