
wow, Imagin that, I wake up this morning and I have two text messages from who else? Well here’s a message to you tony “Since your to low to explain yourself” Don’t send me herassing messages saying I’m the one who stole your rims and that I’m smarter than that" All that does is Build my case against you in court. Plus that also ='s herrassment charges against you. I’m not risking myself going to jail over a stupid set of Integra rims when I have a Ford. And it’s also funny to me that You IGNORE all my efforts to reach you but then I make you public and you come out from hiding. All I want is my money back! And I AM to the point of pressing charges against you for it. You have money, and REFUSE to pay me anything. So this is your VERY LAST CHANCE. I am going to Cheektowaga Courts today and Mailing you a Suit form. you have about a month from that to pay me or you MUST answer it in court. If I get it before that, Then charges will be dropped by me. If not then you made you bed!

Again, It’s funny that your here reading this and wont make a reply but your imature enough to send text messages at 1:30 in the morning! THEY ARE SAVED and I am requesting ALL messages between you and I to be sent to me from my phone company. This way You have no way Out of this in court. So the ball is in your court, All you need to do is the right thing. I gave you that money 3 hours after You asked for it. that was July of 2005, IIts now Sept of 2006. Its not fair to ask for something from someone who has NOTHING and not have any intentions on paying them back!