Rb20det or sr20det?

I’m building a s13 and it’s on a budget. It’s mainly for drifting. I was curious to hear what people thought about the rb20 or the sr. Many factor I have to worry about like price, part avaliabliy, power, time and money an overall performance and durability. Let me know what you think

Do you know how to drift already or are you planning on learning?

I know how to

This should be good.

Neither, be a man LS1 vroom vrooom!

it is cheaper and more powerfull… being unique is expensive.

Buy a ka and some Shitty tires.
Learn how to smash the car up before you spend money on things that won’t teach you anything.

el es juan.

The lack of information in this thread has me betting this will end poorly. I’d like to be proven wrong!

thats true but if i buy a ka it might as well keep it and just put a turbo on it for a lot cheaper and it will have more torque

I think that’s his point…


small block gen 1 cheby

Sr20’s pull a permium one week before race wars