RB25det Tranny problem Heeeeeelllllp!

ok so i have bought a 240 coupe with an RB25DET swap with an auto tranny that wouldent shift out of first gear… also i was planning on swapping the 5speed anyways… so i buy the car with 160xxx on the car and 100xxx on the rb motor for 2600… good deal imo seeing as how its on gr2 lowering springs the body is mint minus 2 rust spots that have been fixed by previous owner on the body… frame is mint. so after dropping the auto shit box and locating a clutch flywheel and tranny from a local i start the swap. i also have a buddy that has many 240 parts cars so getting the pedals and lines and other random stuff wasent a problem. after installing everything i go out to do my first test… first pass down the road everything seems to be working but during the second pass shit started showing its true colours. when at a complete stop i would completely depress the clutch, put it in gear and then slowly let it out… suddenly it woylkd start making a horrible grinding noise and the car would slowly jerk forward… even with clutch let all the way out it would still make the horrible noise and be moving like 1km/h… so i limp it to a tranny shop were buddy jumps in the car and takes it for a rip… tells me the clutch is poooched… witch sorta pissed me off seeing as how i paid 200 for it off guy who said it was perfect working condition… my fault on this one seeing as how you should never buy a used clutch, well live and learn. so i order a new stage 1 clutch from enjukuracing.com. when i take the tranny back apart i find out that the clutch plate had separated (the ceramic part that gets slammed between flywheel and pressure plate) causing it to spin and get very little friction. i also find out that the shaft the tob sits on is all gnarred up so i replace that and new clutch and new tob… seems like all would be good to go now. so i install the new parts and take it for a test… all seems to work great again, but low and behold 2nd or 3rd test it makes the same noise again… not as bad as the first time, and not when i shift into 2nd 3rd 4th or 5th and before it would grind going into every gear, now its mostly just reverse and 1st. the only conclution i can gather from it is that my tranny is buggered witch is a bitch cuz i bought a 200 dollar pos clutch and now a 250 dollar pos tranny. any thoughts? should i bring it back to the tranny guy and have him take a boo? pics soon to come

Which transmission are you using? If its grinding when your going into gears…sounds like you need to bleed your system more, your slave isnt pushing the fork enough so its not fully disengaging

thats what i originally thought but it never grinds when moving the shifter into gears only when releasing the clutch… and its an rb20 tranny i believe the rb25 and 20 use the exact same tranny… my buddy has a ka tranny that i can plug into it but thats a bitch load of work that im trying to avoid. and iv bled the clutch and adjusted the pedal a bunch of times… its not the problem from what i can tell. so far iv come to the conclusion that its inside the tranny. witch means i need either a rebuild or new tranny… and rb trannys are rare.

you said the shaft was damaged? the release bearing guide tube? or the input shaft of trans? do you have the clutch disc in the right way? with the big part of the hub away from the flywheel?

ye its basically impossible to install the clutch wrong… and the release bearing guide tube was originally beat to shit and i thought that was the problem so i replaced it with one that looks brand new.