rb26dett or sr20det (ver)

I asked a relatively straight forward question… I fail to see how that is nagging and makes me a “doubter”. I didn’t ask the question so I could bash you, I asked because I’m curious, quit being so damn defensive.

niterider keep in mind that those numbers were AWHP.

Read NICO and Freshalloy to see many examples of RWD RB26DETT’s putting down over 280RWHP on stock everything.

RB25DET is reasonably close to 280RWHP actually and…
RB20DET is I think around 215-220RWHP but rated at I think 214bhp by nissan.

Most high horsepower cars come underrated from the factory. We all know the domestics do it like crazy… whos the say the japs dont do the same?

See dyno’s of the c6 z06 for a fantastic example of this.

BTW, I know nothing of this from personal experience so don’t try to argue with me :slight_smile: I’m just going on dyno charts, etc. from other forums.

Yeah I know the drivetrain loss is rediculous, it was more a response to the GTR making that much power rather than the engine itself. I know guys who have run their GTR in RWD and put down numbers ~20-30HP higher than others in AWD. 280-300HP at the crank is pretty much what a stock RB26DETT will do, then it’s all just a matter of the application as far as gauging drivetrain loss. GTR tranny will obviously be more parasitic than a GTS-t or a GTT tranny. Also keep in mind that these aren’t brand new engines.

Farmer, as well as the other question of mine (regarding turbos) which model year RB26 are you using?

Sometimes high milage engines make more power than stock

crazy but true, things open up, tolerances loosen that sort of thing

found this on the nico site thought you might be interested in the results



Can’t get the link to work, can you give me coles notes version? (I don’t think firefox likes NICO)

Farmer, MSN me (I sent you my new MSN).

i dont know where you get our numbers on base rb20’s and 25’s…but 99% of stock rb20’s…IE stock cars put down abour 170hp to the wheels. A FAR CRY FROM 220…most people are lucky to see 220whp out of an rb20 on the stock turbo.

as i am way to lazy to read this entire topic, the topic of rb26 vs sr20 is rediculous. The ONLY place an I6 belongs in a s13 is in the trunk…bit nicely actually…sorry farmer :p.

it honestly makes no sence to me atleast to spend 6-10000$ on installing a 2.6L I6, when you can buy an already swapped sr20 s13 for $4000 on the forum, and put the other money building it with full suspension, brakes, and power mods. You’ll be far ahead of where you would be with just the rb26.

Unless making a drag car, CA, KA, SR…and maybe rb20.