RBakerian's Toyota Supra...*56K death*

Thanks man, I’ll let you know. IC needs polishing, along with some other things. PM me where you’re located, etc.

The photos came out excellent, RBakerian your car is crazy clean :thumbup

Thank you all for the photo comments!!!


Well, we only screwed around for a little bit and th…wait…waht?

For the transparent hood pic I used 2 shots, one with the hood open, one with the hood closed. I opened both in Photoshop and using the “clone stamp tool” I added the open hood shot over the closed hood shot. There are different ways of doing it, everyone seems to have their own way. You can get creative with it, I’ve seen it done to interior trim panels too.

Here are the two shots, un-edited. Its tedious to remove the rig but when its done it looks great.





I’ve seen 2010 Toyotas that dont shine like that Supra.

oh man, can we go get pics of my car like this after its done too?

awsome shots

Ice cream paint job. :lol

And no Pete, you cannot has photoshootz.

I removed the antenna from the rolling shots, much better:

very nicely done along with a great job of removing the RIG


Thanks Jim!!!

I don’t think any of my cars have any fugly antenna. Less editing = better.

Ryan… Wanna quick detail a few cars before the weekend?


PM me what you want done. I’m assuming GTR/Porsche?

sick car!

i want pics of the gtr / porsche

Soon…I hope.