RC Car Thread

my bad on not calling you. i feel like absolute shit, litterally… colds suck.

And they have had the clay track for almost a year i think… i used to race in teh beggining of the year in there stadium truck class.

Yea I didn’t have your number in my phone to text you when I was running around. I haven’t been there in a while, just about a year or so.

Just found another RS4 that I didn’t remember having. Let me know if you interested in it.



how much? i might buy :rofl

Shoot me an offer, I really don’t care if I sell it or not.

10 bucks and all the parts you need for lyfe :lol no ill shoot you a pm… or ill ask steve… i have so many parts for rs4’s…

ok, I have another one that looks like it just needs an engine tossed on it.

Happen to have a side exhaust for a rs4? Also looking for a matching set of wheels.

$10 huh? How many of these you got? I dont do nitro tho…

lol i was kidding.

eric the only extra exhaust i have is a stock rs4-2 and kyosho rear port exhaust. same as hpi.

Yea it’s not going for $10, lol.

Thats the same as what I have already to. Looks like ebay it is :slight_smile:

pm me how much you want for it and is it ready to run?


:rofl actually i cant spend money on this crap, already have too much.

But for future reference, if anyone needs stock HPI or traxxas parts lemme knwo

you can have it i just been so bored i need something to do and this thread makes me miss my t-maxx! thing was a blast specially in the snow!

i was j.k. :lol.

between me and eric we could have 3-4 cars built.

I already have 3 built, lol.

Anyone have a quick charger they need to get rid of?

how much eric… what are u looking to get from it?

Shoot me an offer. Like I said i don’t need to get rid of it.

i was actually thinking about getting another nitro car and then saw this thread and now i want one even more

yeah i want a new 3.3 t-maxx… possibly after the holidays!

yeah a few months ago i almost got a 3.3 t-maxx