rc cars

dirty george & i talked many times about getting RC’s but never dumped the cash into it…we were gonna get nitro & then moved to electic micros…

there are a few places around the city that have indoor micro racing with cash prizes…

hpi has some nice electronic micros www.hpiracing.com

i drive a Metro…

it’s kinda like a 1/10th Dodge Caravan…

dont be late for soccer practice

my buddy just got this truck, its huge and actually moves pretty quick


i race at rc avenue in braidenville pa ( close to latrobe) i have alot of shit heres a list

1 t maxx
1 e maxx
1 t-4
1 tc-3
1rc 10 lss
1 trinity switchblade
1 stampede
1 nitro rustler
1 brushless rustler
1 clodbuster . i build my own chassis the only part that is stock on my clod is the axls.

i got into racing rc cars when i got married. i wanted a hobby that wasnt as expensive as my 84 camaro with a 383 strooooooker. then i found out that rc cars were more expensive if you want to be competitive.

ain’t that the truth. i was shocked when i first got into it.

me and two other guys started an rc website for local guys. www.localguysrc.com if yoiu go on there you gotta check out the back room. and one other website i visit alot is www.rcmt.net its mostly all monster trucks.

sweet, i may have to get back into it after seein that.

both the very first time i went there it was carpet i wnt with my buddy jimi lonzo with a losi lxt and foamies i was the last day with with my truck that was a hard day for steve

project gravedigger comming soon http://www.neweramodels.com/cgi-bin/item.cgi?session_id=qtdpslkeexvwvgyptlgoeofymcxidmuc&part_id=2186