Re-trial or Death Penalty?

Illegal immigrant confessed to the brutal rape and killing of 2 girls.

Mexican lawyers and the Bush administration are pushing for a re-trial, Texas and some other States are supporting the death penalty.

if I was running the jail, there would be a “small riot than claimed the life of a prisoner”. Done, end of story.

And then the american taxpayer doesn’t have to pay for an illegal to sit in jail.

Or he killed himself out of remorse…

Tell all inmates that he is a child rapist then throw him in general population the next day. Problem solved.

Although I agree that he should die, we must follow international laws. But I thought the Geneva Convention only pertained to wars.

Poison his food!

i like how it says in the article that he has the “right” to notify his country. Forget that. If you come to this country, and commit a crime, especially his crime, your are subject to our laws. They should continue with the sentence. Im glad its Texas too, they are gonna fight this one to the teeth because, in the words of Ron White, “If you kill someone in Texas, they’ll kill you back.” If he gets a retrial America will look like a pushover, and these a$$hole illegals will keep on doing w/e they want.

This guy should be taken out and shot. There should be no waiting in jail. We shouldn’t be paying for this.

Bottom line, if you commit a crime, you should be held accountable. If he does end up in jail though, I dont think he’ll last long.

fuck international laws, look where that got us.

Shoot him in the face with a 12 gauge and send the video to Mexico telling them that is what we do to illegals here in the US. maybe they will quit coming over after a few vids like this.

Thank you, that is right on. International laws are stupid. They make us tip-toe around with shit. We need to take a chapter out of 24 and do what needs done anyway.

On top of this, put snipers on the border, and say “If you cross into America, you’ll be shot.” All it is is like a someone breaking into your home and you defending yourself, but on a much larger scale.

Go to Mexico and rape and kill two teenage girls. See where it gets you. I’m sure you’d be dead within 24 hours.

Make him feel at home. Give him a firing squad of illegal immigrants.


That’s my point, I could go to Mexico, get caught stealing a bottle of Tequila, and I would disappear, my family would have no recourse and no idea what happened to me.

Why are we the touchy-feely nice to everyone who hates us, losers of the planet?

Kill’em and send the video? Brutal, but maybe it would stop the flood if illegals…and make everyone who supports the Constitution throw up in their Wheaties.

Slow, painful, and embarrassing.

He’s in this country, he should be punished by our laws. If a court of law says death, then that’s what he should get.