re: whats up with this shit

u know that is a good point.

but its important to remember that the jdm J-bodies came with a variety of different powerplants.

of course now they have the 2.2 litre eco-tec in some of them but that wasnt always the case.

in fact, what most people dont know is that the the 2.2l eco-tec is really just half of the toyota 4.5l bleco-tec. the engine was available in premium model j-bodies back in the early 80’s

this is the chinese version of the 1984 bleco-tec cavalier. the bleco-tec put out a respectable 181hp at the crank, which at the time was good enough for the car to run with a corvette given the power to weight distribution of the cavalier and the fact that corvettes are homos.

you can tell this particular car is fast because of the racing stripes.

what you cant tell from the pic is that the car has a very peculiar feature. when you really hammer on the throttle a moderately sized, but very irritable dragon comes out of the trunk and has some sort of mythical tantrum.

they phased out this feature because it doesnt really align with the utilitarian purposes of the vehicle.

the bleco-tec was a powerful engine for its time but the gas mileage was not as great as it could have been.

instead of redesigning a whole new engine they simple cut it in half to get the 2.2l version.

now if you do the math 4.5 / 2 = 2.25 but in japanese math there is not such thing as hundreths, so the size of the engine was rounded down as is traditional in conversative post-war japan.

another power plant that was available in the cavalier in the early 80s was the Hemi.

here is a picture of some cookies for no particular reason:

so anyways.

getting back to dutch environmentalist-prostitution theology… no wait…

no yeah…



long live dragons and stuff

Absolutely hilarious.

bing gets the award for best post of the day to go alone with toronto240s worst post

OH MY GAWD…thats so FUNNY!!! You guys are brutal haha!! totally made my day. Poor bing haha



Best Post Ever!

No way… thats hardcore!

you’re on crack. NeveR for teh win… :afro:

picture of my life.

like i said…

This should be stickied.

Mr know it all shows how smart you are mr jdm this jdm that you dont know shit

very funny post

^ i think hes trying to be funny

locked before this snowballs into another war zone