rear brake issues v. Audi B5 A4

So the wife’s Avant’s rear brakes have been squealing/low howling on/off for a while now. I assumed it was the ebrake cables, since my MK3 VW needs new ones every other year.

The adjusters werent frozen so I tried to readjust them which didnt seem to help.

Next I tried loosening them all the way up and made sure that the lever on the caliper was all the way off (the lever touching that white plastic stopper thing) and instructed the wife not to use the ebrake.

Well the noise is still there and just now she told me the brake light is flashing, joy.

Anyway, for this rear brake issue… could it be the ebrake mechanism inside is not releasing correctly, even tho it looks to be externally? Or maybee the caliper piston itself is sticking in the bore?



I initially thought my brakes were squeaking / howling, until I realized it was a wheel bearing… and these cars love to eat wheel bearings…

if the e-brake is stuck on, and the car is a 5 speed, you should be able to feel whether or not is stuck. I know I was able to when it was frozen on my xterra.

PS. what year is the car?

if the abs light is on and the brake light is blinking then the ABS module it bad

car is a 99 Avant.

I have yet to do rear wheel bearings. I did the fronts when I did the control arm job, but when I did the brakes I didnt mess with the rear bearings. Maybee that is the issue here.

Its not the ABS module… I already had that repaired. This is just the brake light flashing (supposedly, I havent seen it myself yet, but unlike most women my wife is good at letting me know whats up). The abs light is not on.


the rear brakes on my A4 where the same as my MK3 VR6 (i used the pads I had under warranty threw AZ) never really had an issue like that, though i did eat wheel bearings.

Ya. Im sorta thinking it might be the wheel bearing(s) now. I sorta recall putting the ebrake on some when the noise happened, and it didnt completely go away.

Guess its time to take another good look at everything. meh


Did you say that the icon in the dash cluster that tells you the brakes need to be replaced is on? If so, there are no wires that go to the rear pads, it’s all in the front. Mine was doing this and instead of tracing down a broker wire, I just connected them so that the light would never come on again. The icon is useless as it comes on after the hiddeous grinding noise and then it is already too late. Now, if it’s an ABS light, then it is most likely a wheel speed sensor.

It was actually the round red brake light. The fluid was just a little low, causing it to come on. I tossed a tiny bit in and hte light went off. Ive been avoiding putting the ss braided brake lines I got for it on, and flushing the fluid to replace it with some super blue. I guess now is the time.

I drove the car home today and the noise is still there a little. So I dont know wtf is up. Could be wheel bearings and a caliper issue, perhaps not ebrake related. meh


So fast forward two weeks.

Last sat, after picking up my new GTI, I got the car jacked up and pulled the wheels off and found the leak. The pass rear caliper was leaking through the ebrake actuator lever seal. Luckily carquest had a reman caliper in stock in the city for $100 (otherwise I would have been waiting until tues and my wife had to go out of town monday).

Anyway, I got all six soft lines replaced with the braided SS lines and the one rear caliper replaced, and flushed all of the fluid out and replaced with some superblue. I decided to just leave the ebrake lines disconnected, but the noise was still there.

Fast forward to yesterday. I figued F it I will just replace the other rear caliper since the rotor looked like it was worn more than the other etc. Of course replacing this didnt help either. At least now all the rear brake parts are new.

So I tried rolling the car and the noise wasnt there, but if you bounced it some, it was. Turns out the drivers REAR SPRING IS BROKEN near the lower perch, which is causing the spring to vibrate (sounds so much like a dragging brake or wheel bearing). It must be the vibrations from braking etc is enough to get that cracked spring humming.

Stupid thing. At least I have it figured out finally, and have nice new brakes too. Now I gota figure out a replacement. If I wanna lower it, or maybee just try to find a set of sport springs.

Anyway, case closed on this one.


I have a 99 A6 and the rear always seem to wear faster than the front but I saw this when I worked in the shop . I always assumed Audi Quattro were more rear brake biased?