Reasonable place to get Speedo recalibrated?

Looking for a reasonable place that could plug in and recalibrate my speedo for a different set of gears without having to pay an arm and a leg…Car is 04 Mustang. I don’t want to waste $300 + on a handheld, I’m holding out for the sniper software but not ready to jump on it yet. Any suggestions?

You could probably send/bring the PCM to Mustang Magic (I think theyre in Long Island) or another Mustang tuner to get that done but when its all said and done you might be close to the cost of a programmer like an SCT anyway.

I have access to an SCT but dont remember if its licensed per ecu or whatever. We can try it and see if it connects.

Theyre only good for one car at a time and you need to reset it back to stock to ‘unlock’ it from a particular car.

Same with the Edge Evolution Ive got.