Need speed calibrator / tuner

I just changed the gears in my car and no my speedo is way out of wack. Anyone here have a speed calibrator or a tuner that could correct mine for me?

Don’t mustangs have different speedo sensor gears? or something like that?

Youre going to need to get your own because unfortunately the way theyre made only lets them program one car at a time and they only lock the tune for that car.

You should be able to pick up an SCT for a decent price on ebay.

Im not sure if its possible to change the speedometer gear on the newer ones. I did on my '92 but it has a different tranny and its not all computerized.

yeah i figured that with a tuner but do you know anything about the speed calibrator? I dont see why that would lock out the cars its only made for one thing. I wonder if maybe theres a shop around with one so i dont have to pay for a tuner right away.

Im pretty sure there all computerized. Need a tuner or a calibrator to adjust them.

tuner only ,unless a handheld like sct or hypertech ,

yea you need a tuner, you car is digital. get an sct

You could go with this if you don’t want the tuner. A new tuner is going to cost you $380. If you buy one used say you get it for 200, you have to send it somewhere to get it unlocked then for them to write tunes. I got my Xcal from, no complaints he writes you 3 different tunes to go with the tuner. He also is very good with customer support. I just had him edit my tunes about a year later and he didn’t even charge me. I always have dealt with Don there.

Borrow somebody’s Passport 9500xi and use the speed based GPS :slight_smile:

I actualy just ordered a mio c320 gps to use for my speed for now. Its nice looking,thin,widescreen reletively cheap and will be good for getting to the different job sites i go to as well. Killed two birds with one stone.
Once i save up some cash again i will probly get an sct livewire. They arent cheap but i just saw one go for 250 brand new off craigslist so a deal will pop up again hopefully.

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