Rebuild engine, what works involved?

Hi everyone,

I’m such a newbie. :oops: :oops: This is very embarassing but what works involved in rebuilding an engine? I mean i saw most of the used cars description says engine rebuilt so what is exactly done? Change the internal? clean them?

I also think would rebuild an engine meaning the engine will work almost freshly new? Say if i have a relatively new engine (<40,000KMs) And i changed oil every 3-4000 Kms with full syn. At 200,000 i pull the engine out and “rebuild” it. Would it make the engine pulls just as strong as when it was 40,000?

I have seen pics of gutted engines and seen the internals, just wondering what exactly proper works to it to call it a rebuild.

Thanks alot, put flame suit on now :stuck_out_tongue:

Lots of diffrent stages of rebuilding or somtimes just refreshing an engine. No matter how well the engine is rebuilt it will never run as if it was brand new 0km from the factory if its just a straight rebuild. Some common things that are inspected or changed for KA’s I would say are.

  • Timming chain replacment (after a short period of time KA’s timming chains develop slack which eventualy leads to annoying noise and could possibly lead to damage but I have never seen it get to that point)
  • Head Gasket Replacment (typical thing to do when having the engine apart)
  • Take accurate messurments of the Cylinder Bore this is cruicial when ordering new parts since as a piston moves up and down it will cause the cylinder to become “out of round” this must be fixed or else the new piston seals will not seal. For this they bore out the cylinder and then you get a piston that is “oversized” from stock and will create a good seal when put back together. Usualy oversize is done 0.30" over try to use the smallest you can.
  • Check the crankshaft and the cams to make sure there is no excessive wear that could cause impropper operation of the engine. If you need the crank to be regrinded then you will need new Con Rods to make up for this loss.
  • Usualy you should also check valves and valve seals for blowby and damage.
  • A good clean out will be smart at this time and also replacement of standard things like water pump, thermostat ect might be worth doing while the engine is out.

After thats all said and done (if you are not trained to work on engines and messuring withing strict tollerances take your engine to a shop and get it done properly) the engine should be ran then I have been told by my dads good friend who rebuilds engines often reved up to about 4500-5000 RPM for 4-5 min. After shutting the engine down and cooloff drain all the oil out to remove and break in material that has worn off. Put new oil in and you should be good to run the engine as normal. Allow some time before really beating on it for everything to properly settle. There are many debates if its good to beat on it during break in or to take it easy. I have been told by this guy who I respect that the 5000RPM brake in is good to get the engine into a temp range where parts will take shape as they wish to and then after that just drive like a sane person for a few days. Wow sorry for the novel but that I hope gives you a better understanding of some things that are done with engine rebuilds and what you can expect. Oh and for costs expect those to range about 1800+ for a KA full rebuild.

Wow great post. Good info there, so a rebuild process in general is all the same for most engine then.

Hmm about the break-in process i’m actually experienced in this. Basically you will have to have a wide range of RPM. BUt NOT REDLINE it. Keep the RPM range wildly, so go rapidly with the RPM. Drives like you steals it. After 1000Kms the ring would seal probably.

I also heard the dealers always claim that the engine has already broken-in with modern cars. Thats totally bullshit, as i recall some one actaully opened up a brand new engine, yeah its not broken in lol.

Thanks alot. Now i have more technical questions when i’m looking for a used cars thats claimed “rebuilt engine”