Rebuilding the altima

OK, so i have talked to some of you in my introductory thread, and know some of you from other forums.

I recently, well for lack of a better word, screwed up my engine.

So i bought an AMS Rebuild kit, go the block fully machined, and cleaned things up a bit.

I will add some before pics and as the day keeps going some pics of me putting the bottom end together.

So how did you like the AMS rebuild kit?

i like it, the rods seem to be of real nice craftsmanship, the pistons, well arias make nice pistons, and everything else is of great quality, sure i could have gotten everything cheaper maybe, but for less then 1 week turn around, its a great deal. Its amazing how mught lighter the new piston/rod setup is compared to the old setup.

i will get some pics up in about 5 min.

UH oh…Monster in the making. Turboing im assuming??



T3T4OE 50trim .63 turbine
Tial WG (dumped)
All on a cermanic coated cast manifold

When does the .63 turbine start spooling around?

Well its been a while since i have driven the car, but it started to spool aroun 1500 or so and started to pull around 2200 or so, after about 2500 in 2nd gear, the car was insane.