Received A Forward I Actually Like

I’ll Tell You How I Became The Prince
Of A Town Called Bel Air

Its stupid. you can do a half ass job (or have no job at all) and have all of the above.

I’d be thankful If I lived my life to the fullest and actually accomplished something in life.

OMG I can hear, see, and I’m not dying. Well so are 6 Billion other people in this world.

I took it as, let me step back and look around at what i have. Everyone takes shit for granted and gets jaded to a certain point.

I in no way think like that on a daily basis. I’m usually on the haterade about almost everthing on that list.

I am thankful for crabs
because I know my dick still works

I’m thankful for NYSpeed
Oh wait, nvm.

cool. I kept reading it and didnt know how to phrase it with out having it come off as such.

I am thankful for the anger
It means I still believe things can and should be better