Recommend me a bank.

:word: although I am biased, because I work from them, but branchwise around here, HSBC and M&T are head and shoulders above the competition. Since you already had problems with one of them, it makes sense to go HSBC.


ive been with them for a long time now… never had any issues

i use key. i wish it was a little more national since a travel so much and i think i might switch to HSBC or BoA since there isn’t a Chase around here.

what about fees? i always hear people have to use their debt cards certain ways or they get charged fees to use it at a store? that is my big concern. i dont want to pay my bank money to buy something.

No fees at HSBC. Except for using my debit card to take out money at non-HSBC ATM’s, there are no fees. But there are HSBC ATM’s everywhere.

No fees for purchases. None for cash-back with purchases.

You’re pretty good…looking to change jobs again? Our bathroom walls in the center are surprisingly sound-deadening.

:lol: Where do I sign up?

same here since i was 16

thats why its so secure. Happy w/ HSBC here.

I think theres only 1 HSBC here :frowning:
I’ll look online for their other branches and look into them.

It’s kind of good to have these opinions… I don’t want the random M&T charges on my account to happen elsewhere lol

Hard to beat HSBC in WNY. There is pretty much always a branch within a couple miles of you and they offer free everything.

The only complaint I’ve had in the last 5 years is that my local branch has hired a couple women with heavy accents that are difficult to understand from the drive-thru. A pretty minor issue though.

What account do you have?

So no fees if you run your card as credit or debt? No ATM fees other than the specific ATM fee it might charge you to use?

Citizen’s. Open late and 7 days, awesome customer service, several branches around WS. I got $50 when I first opened my checking account with them. I now have my savings, checking w/ debit card, and credit card all with them.

Steve what do you mean there’s only 1 HSBC there? There’s like, 5 HSBC’s in less than a mile. They’re everywhere. I love HSBC. Except I don’t love that they approved me for a 2k credit card/overdraft protection and now I’m in debt. But, I’m stupid.!ut/p/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLN4p3CnEHSZnFm8Qbm-pHoggZxDsiRIL0vfV9PfJzU_UD9AtyQyPKHR0VAd9aUNI!/delta/base64xml/L0lDU0lKQ1RPN29na21DU1Evb0tvUUFBSVFnakZJQUFRaENFSVFqR0VKemdBIS80SkZpQ28wZWgxaWNvblFWR2hkLXNJZDJFQSEhLzdfMl8xNkxILzIvc2Eu#7_2_16LH

I did a search with Blasdell’s zip because I don’t know yours.

yeahh theres like 4 around here. not too bad. I’m looking into 3 now and trying to get it down to 1 by friday lol

that doesn’t change the fact that it’s really annoying lol

I would have kept hsbc around if there were any branches where I live.


boa has a $50 promotion going right now to open a checking

It used to be $100 when I signed up with them a year ago, but my gf just opened an account and she got 50.

They have been great with me, no problems.

Plus when I go on a trip, I can always find a boa branch to take out cash, make a deposit, etc.

you can say that again. about 15 million times. at first i thought it would be great, because if i was ever in an emergency i’d be covered. but then everything turned into an emergency. DOH.

cky go to financial trust credit union right on seneca thats where i go they are awesomeee i havent had any problems they are the best to help you with loans and what not also !