Recommend me a concrete patio.

I’m thinking about ripping up the old wood deck on the back of my house and getting a concrete patio poured.

Any recommendations for someone to do the patio?

you are just on a spend money craze these days!

lol yeah apparently the wife and I have an aversion to cash. That and we decided to stay in our house a few years more than we had been thinking and fix it up a little more. Living well within our means via a low mortgage payment is really fun. :run:

Besides, (ballpark) a concrete patio is only about $1500-2500 and it would really open up our yard and let us landscape it way nicer. We would get at least that much back when we sell it.

Regular grey or colored/pattern stamped?

Depends on price. I’ve heard it’s only a couple hundo extra to get it stamped. If it’s a lot more then a plain old gray non-stamped patio will be fine.

we are getting a stone patio, i can let you know whos doing the job, my parents were not expecting it to be the price it was. they said it was going to be a 3rd of the price than what they expected.

It depends on colors, some are cheap some are real expensive. Regular grey is the cheapest but doesn’t last very well when stamped unless you are good about resealing it. I recommend Buffalo Concrete Construction I think the number is 646-3909

Any reason for the recommendation?

Fairly priced and they do real good work, my parents, my aunt and a few family friends have had them do work (driveways/patios/steps) and everything came out great.



+1 for a stamped colored patio. My parents did this to their house. Its great.

My uncle had this done when he built his new house in Alden. I called him for ya. He went through a local company He said they did a great job at a competitive price. Mind you my uncle is single with no kids and is loaded so I am not sure what he would consider “competitive”.

there is a company right across from my gf as well. they have the bumper stickers that say “get stoned”

cant remember the exact name, but they are on walden by townline.

PM me if you want a price.


My parents just had one done last week. I’ll get some info when I see them, Fry.

I prefer stone over concrete. Not really sure what the cost differential is though

Make sure the company you go with has a written guarantee. My parents had a stamped pad put in a few years ago. It was a very hot day and apparently the guys didn’t do something right because after 4 months(winter) the stamped portion began to come off in chunks. It took 3 months but the guys finally came back and re-poured the entire pad

I extended and reinforced my wood deck frame and made a raised platform concrete deck using 16x16 concrete tiles. Turned out pretty good and durable. I’ll have to dig out a picture of it.

DIY, you can rent the ish to stamp with, and I have a concrete guy… then again, everyone has a concrete guy. They are everywhere.