Red book value of a 95 240?

Anyone know where i can find out the “red book” value of my S14? Everywhere i look online it seems i need to buy the book to find out…does anyone have the book or know the value? Thanks!


<7000 mileage and condition dependent.

RBC told me $3500 :?

When I bought mine the black book $7000 on a fully loaded with 92xxxx Km on it

go to your bank and they will tell you how much it should be worth …but keep in mind when i got my 95 with a kouki front end they told me it was worth 4200…

If you have a lot of add ons to your car (Rims, Engine Mods, bodykit. etc…) You can get an appraisal done on your car if the blue book value is well below what you think and MY insurance anyway said that they would use that. I’m sure it has to be someone that is certified to do appraisals though!