LOL. That is true. The cities where they are already people are tuned to driving properly so you might cause problems being new to the red light camera scene.
Anyone check out some of the studies on this that talk about places of like 10,000 people put these in and in the first year over 1/4 of the people have gotten tickets for them?
The news here just keeps getting better and better. Why do I live here? Shitty city, shitty state. shitty weather. I’m really starting to consider relocating.
Read the book 3 men in a room. Between reading that and just listening to the general things that go on here with little things like these cameras to all the way up to ny state stuff, I am thinking the same thing and feel more and more like a dumbass for staying here after i graduated instead of moving like everyone else.
I already tried to do my civil duty and emailed everyone on the Buffalo Common Council and Byron Brown. Two articles I found on them. Joe Golombek (Common Council) emailed me back, I sent him these two articles.
if you want to know how much harm these cameras really do, just ask federal judge andrew napolitano. He mentions them in almost every book he writes. he does a great job of explaining why they are illegal. What you also need to look at is that these cameras are strictly for making money, not protecting the citizens and heres why (and yes buffalo is doing it this way too). Whenever a city installs these cameras, the company who does the installing, installs them for free, then the city gives the company a certain percentage of how much they make off of the tickets. This is how its been done 100% of the time so far and i dont see buffalo doing it any differently. Also, the timing of the yellow light does a much better job than these cameras ever will. In san francisco where they first had these cameras. There was an intersection where they changed the yellow light timeing from 2.1 seconds to 5.3 seconds. The number of people running the redlight went from 2300 a month to 240 a month! This sort of drop can not be said aboout the red light cameras though. In fact in some areas they increased rear end collisions by 80%!. I will have to look in one of his books for the refercence, i know he cited it but i cant remember from where right now.
my brother’s friend got a ticket on a traffic light camera for going through a yellow-red in buff. a few months ago. the infraction showed his picture as the driver, the liscense(sp.) plate, and the amt. of $ he owed.
It has dick to do with safety and EVERYTHING to do with generating revenue.
These are installed by a private company that gets PAID for every ticket.
They have all the incentive to FUCK the drivers over and they do.
Search on it. There is article after article about abuses and a complete lack of proven safety improvement.