Red Light Photos in Buffalo

Ah well, time to pick out that hitch ball…

I cannot wait until a city bus is behind me.

can you say LAWSUIT?

I’ll put it this way.

Right now the cameras are going up for free. That means I do not have to pay for them. I don’t run red lights. I don’t fucking go into the city unless I absolutely have to. The people who are paying for them are the people who should be. The people going through a red light. Maybe if people were a little more cautious about running red lights to begin with we wouldn’t have this problem? A yellow light means prepare to stop … not floor it. I can’t believe how many of you are bitching about people rear-ending you. Isn’t the speed limit in the city like 30-35mph? lol. OMG… you’re so DEAD!!! Everyone is going to get into accidents now because people actually have to stop for a red light. Even if there was a crosswalk, the accident would be over before anyone even entered the road. Rear end collisions went up 80%?? Good. I hope all of the people who rear ended someone are finally getting what has been coming to them since the day they started running red lights.

Sounds like a bunch of whiney bitches complaining because they have to wait a couple minutes at a red light.

Think of the other option for revenue. More speed traps. Don’t ya think that would piss you off more? It’d cause more accidents too. :burnout:

BTW - Have you seen my truck? haha… I feel sorry for anything that rear-ends me with or without red light cameras.

Sooooo what about in winter?
Lock up the brakes to stop, and slide in to the crosswalk because it’s too icy (ticket).
Guy behind you locks his up as well, and slams in to you (ticket for him too!)
Oh, accident.

Oh, that was the 100th accident at the same intersection this year, High premiums on insurance for all within 100mi of that intersection, because all drivers must obviously drive through it!

Or of course, you can just run the red light because you know your car won’t stop, and you also won’t make it through the redlight in time because you’re too far away (or they shortened the yellow time)
Lose lose there.

I’m not worried that much about them, I know my car can stop. I tend to leave a large space in front of the car when driving… So I’m not that worried. I don’t go to buffalo all that much anyway, but meh.
If the accident rates and shit start going up… and my insurance goes up…
Combine that with the tax on bottled water and all the other fucking shit going on, and you get a very pissed off (usually carefree) dude.


You’re really going to make the winter excuse?

If you cannot stop, for any reason, you’re driving too fast for conditions. That is illegal. You have to be in complete control of your vehicle at all times.

As an adult you have to be able to make a judgement call. Do you spike the brakes after driving too fast and slide into a pedestrian? Do you stay on the throttle and blow that red light because you were driving too fast for conditions and get a red light ticket?

How about you just slow down and stop in a controlled manner? It isn’t like red lights just pop out in front of you in the city… they aren’t ninja red lights. Drive with caution in the snow/ice/slush/rain and you won’t have a problem avoiding a red light ticket.

Ya know what? I bet if people stop at these intersections like they should… there wouldn’t be any revenue. Then the cameras would come down. As of right now… they have 2 valid reasons why they should put them up.

  1. Collecting revenue from a select few who think you don’t have to stop at a red light.
  2. Making the people who put lives at risk everyday pay a fine for it.

I’ll bold it again for everyone… until someone corrects me:


Wow Jack, you’re completely wrong on this. And past experiences have shown, that once the cameras are up, if they’re not making enough revenue they don’t take them down. FAR FROM IT. They shorten the yellow and the grace period until they give out the desired number of tickets. Thus, your “ninja red lights”. Not to mention, take into account the unpredictability factor. My friend who drove tow truck saw TONS of accidents when he would be following someone because the person would stop at a light prematurely when they shouldn’t have so as not to lose him, too late for the person behind them to do the same. How do you guard against unpredictability of other drivers?
I’d really like to see you stop your gigantic truck from 35 MPH in the time you have when a light goes yellow in a snowstorm.

So out of curiousity, if you run a redlight equipped with a camera, and a cop sees you, will the cop ticket you as well? Or is their jurisdiction on these types of intersections no longer needed?

are you so blind that you think you can’t possibly slide while going 10? 15mph? there is black ice in places and stopping can be a huge issue even if you are doing 20 under the limit.

jack fail :hitit::hitit:

They are going to be doing this in Syracuse also but here is the one thing that I found interesting…

A bill expected soon to be voted into law will allow 50 cameras to be placed in each locality. The program was delayed last year when Assembly Transportation Committee Chairman David Gantt, a Rochester Democrat, opposed the expansion.

But the roadblock disappeared after Gantt’s former counsel was hired as a lobbyist by one of the companies that makes the traffic cameras - a company owned by the wife of a state senator, according to reports in The Buffalo News.

wow my company has 60+ trucks rolling around… that is a lot of money they will be paying out to the state haha.

I was wondering this too?


My MAIN concern is, IT’S a FUCKING COMPUTER. Computers fuck up all the time…
So, let’s say the camera accidently goes off during a green light, and you get a ticket…
How do you even go about fighting it?

I have looked a crap load and I can not find out what Senator that these articles are talking about. Can anyone enlighten me?

I hope people with BB guns get creative

Im in for them. My two main accidents were from people running a red light.

I run the one in front of your house all the time, you should have them put up a camera there. LOL


If they do so much to help with traffic safety then why have 9 states ruled them illegal and banned them?

“Alaska, Arkansas, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin banned automated citations either through judicial or legislative action.”

Actually all this talk about red lights reminds me of when I’d drop Frost off at cansiussiisuisuusis in my Tempo. I would set the cruse control and just gingerly drive through red lights.

Never had a problem.

I say just hang a sign on them that says free copper inside and let the nature take its course.