Redline Motorsports? good or bad

nismo guy a/s/l ???

Just saw nismo… hes mad bro

This thread is now about Fast Five

This just went from mission impossible to mission freakinsanity

the rock: i’ll see you soon.
dom: no you won’t

Roman Pearce-When are you gonna give Martin Luther King his car back?
Tej-When are you gonna give Rick James his jacket back?

no, thread is still about you being a putz.

Nope. I meant sway bros, bro. You obroiously dont get the joke.

^^^haha pretty serious…just a matter of time before those pictures were here…

the synapse guys do awesome work…never had a problem

on a side note…I need to find out what protein he is on!! arms are HUGE

he stops by everyday at the shop for a protien injection from either me or carm

government issue brotein bro

figured…I’ll pass then

i didnt think ya would be about that lol

bro you are deff smoking something …and whatever youre smoking please keep it to yourself …with that being said my car and twomodifieds cars been at synapse since dec…some people like yourself dont understand the time and money put into these cars…johns jeep has absolutely nothing to do with you or your business so stfu…

As far as you being all butthurt with synapse I deff feel their pain being in business you are just one of those customers

Ps I refered john to morgan and neither of us said anywhere here anything about that so keep your nose in your business

^ yeah!!!..ANNNND…who buys a nissan these days anyways!!!

I of all people don’t understand?! :dunno How do you figure?. Do you know how much is invested into my car? Do you think because it’s NA that there is little money invested? Do you believe you are a baller because you have some built/boosted S2000?! What the fuck man! Do you always make such generalizations? Your sounding like a tard and I am pretty sure I have met you before at the Valley.

Everyone just comes in foaming shit from the mouth.

^^^i never said i was a baller…better yet i of all people dont even have a build thread on just some built/boosted s2000 that has more money invested than your whole nismo#575

normally i’m a very humble person but today you are getting the best of me

Umm I believe the GTR ran a 7:24.22 @ Nurburgring! Thats pretty damn impressive for a stock production car that only costs $84K. The engineering behind Nissan is something to be admired. But hey, what do you really know?

Hell they had a brand new 2010 Redline GTR for 74-75K down on LI that they wanted to move off the showroom floor. It didn’t last the day at that price and it was SOLD.