Registration open for April, May and June Track Days!

Here are the UNOFFICIAL results. I don’t have the full drivers list so I just have the names and cars of that car numbers I remember off the top of my head. We’ll have the full list up later tonight once I get the drivers list. Also, I scanned through all the runs to get the best times. If you KNOW you had a better time than what is listed, PM me and I’ll look your car number up again. This was the first event with the new software, so it takes some getting used to. :slight_smile:

#11 Kent – Silvia - 1:18.04
#5 Shane – Integra Type R - 1:19.00
#14 – 2.5RS – 1:20.89
#9 Fernando – 2.5RS – 1:21.83
#23 Julian – Festiva – 1:21.99
#2 Justin – 944 – 1:24.09
#18 Mike – G35 – 1:24.81
#12 – 1:25.28
#15 – 1:25.70
#30 Dan – GT-R 1:26.92
#10 -Civic – 1:27.32
#7 - 2.5RS– 1:27.39
#19 Paulo – MX6 – 1:27.41
#17 – 1:28.57
#21 Scott – 2.5RS 1:28.78
#13 Bora – Silvia – 1:28.87
#20 Matt – Corolla - 1:28.91
#66 Rob – 240SX – 1:30. 83
#8 – 1:30.86
#6 – 1:31.01
#22 Jason – Lancer - 1:32.26
#3 Dave – GTR - 1:33.29
#16 – 1:34.39
#4 Dallas – Silvia – 1:35.95


i learned lots and i cant wait to try agian. maybe next time i can be a bit more competitve. i could not have had a better time.

1:35 was better then the 1:47 i had before that lol.


can’t believe i was slower down a mx-6 and scott’s 4 door automatic family sedan :o


Haha,Come on Bora. You gotta keep up. :butthead: Get that boost controller and you will be handing a lot of cars their asses

forget the boost controller bora, try using the gas instead of the brake!!!

bahaha all i know is, i cant believe how much fun this was and how i cant wait until the next one…

thanks for the good times…

i think i came in 10th fastest in my little old stock car


:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Sweet I beat 2 people! I think it’s time for new tires and some driving lessons :stuck_out_tongue:

Torque split controller… Helps even a rookie stay between the cones. :slight_smile:

Here’s a link to a brief NECC promo over on GTRC. I’ve posted some sample data from the GTech as well. Might not have made me killer fast this time, but I figure if I can learn from my mistakes I might be able to get better.


Cash on the barrelhead is a good motivator. If you get your marshalling check mark you get your 20 bucks back. :roll:

Maybe a 5 second penalty would work better. Hmmmm…[/quote]Fuck that, just tell them that if they aren’t out there marshalling then they are going to forfeit their runs, simple as that. The track got so messed up that it skewed times badly. I saw at least a half dozen people run off course while I was out there. Not one of them ran off course in a way that slowed them down.

Sorry, I realize that this is just for fun, but if you guys were ever intending to pick up an event for the WCMA solo championships these sorts of things would need to be addressed.

Marshalling will be addressed for the next event. :slight_smile:

emailed my registration…hope I can make it to a few events!

Pics from the April 30 weekend up!

reg sent for may 27th event!

hey, if I’m completely new and never really raced before, my car is pretty much stock. can i still enter?

reading the event post seems so exciting. and you can’t really learn and pratice on the road.

what the average speed most people take on 90 degree turn? do you guys go 1 by 1?
is there a possiblilty of flipping over?

do you have a map of the track for the april event?

Completey stock is perfectly fine. You can learn to control your car to its highest potential, before strapping on any mods to help you out.

There aren’t any 90 degree turns on the course. Our rules state cars can’t regularly exceed 120kmh. You are basically staying in second gear.

It’s a Solo2 event, so its just one car on the track at a time. The only obstacle is rubber pylons.

Here’s our course layout from last year. It will be similar, but a bit faster.

You may have missed one event, but there are still plenty more to come, but they are filling up fast. Send your registration in soon!

are you allow to share your spot with a friend and his car?

If you are sharing a car, you can do it two way. Pay for one car, and each driver splits the runs (you would get 3-5 each) or each of you pay and get the full number of runs (last event drivers got at least 9 each.)