Relocation: Where would you move to?

Northern West Coast. Washington, British Columbia.

i think i was the only one that went with a northeast location haha (new hampshire)

I live in Washington state… on the conservative (east) side… it’s cool…but I hate the mind set up here…


granted this isn’t a thread about living in Buffalo, but that is a main reason I moved back here.

As far as Phoenix is concerned, my complaint was too spread out. heard they have been growing centralized locations however

Austin is TONS of fun but getting too big for its britches. Spent a week out there crashing at a buddy’s place. I really enjoyed the time I spent there. His 750 sq ft 2 bdrm house (literally. 2 small bedrooms, 1 bathroom, rest is open. no heat, pipes burst last winter when it got cold) apparently sold in the $300,000+ range. and that’s in a predominantly hispanic neighborhood starting to gentrify

edit: corey I’ve heard great things about milwaukee actually. what are some highlights?

also: chicago seems really awesome.

I moved to San Diego 4.5yrs ago and still love it. Housing is a bit more expensive, but like stated jobs do pay more, its not really an even increase though. Although it costs more I feel people just adapt and make it work and are happy. Renting places is not too bad, I live in a 4br house in a nicer neighborhood with a 2 car garage and pool and pay 2200 a month. A decent 2br apt is going to be around 1200-1600 a month. The closer you are to the beach though the more it will cost. Overall I would recommend checking it out, great weather, lots of things to do and you shouldn’t have too hard of a time finding a job.

Aside form the SD the only place I think I’d want to live in the US is San Francisco, its an AWESOME city. Weather is the only negative there…

The thing I didn’t like about downtown Chicago was the cab rides. Unlike in Buffalo where you can hop in your car and drive anywhere in 15 minutes.

:tup: I’ll be there one day Andy.

First week living in a different city and realizing what “real” traffic was like was quite the eye opener. You just don’t drive between 7-9am, 4:30-6:30pm. you just don’t do it, because you’ll be in stop and go until the end of that period regardless of when you entered.

Chicago does have the L though

either in cali somewhere or south florida for sure.

It’s the fuckin’ Mormons ruining everything in that state! No offense to Mormons…but damn, their idea of fun is getting married at age 17 and reproducing eight times (granted there is nothing wrong with that because they usually are pretty successful and don’t mooch of society like a lot of other types who reproduce at a young age) and buying three minivans and walking around with a smile on their face

Just came home from NC, I’ll be GTFO soon.
I was talking to some people down there, they where assessed at 251k and pay 1100 in taxes. You would be stupid to NOT buy a house down there.

My aunt pays $2800 a month rent for a 2 bedroom studio a few blocks from the water in Santa Monica, CA.

I live right in the city of Raleigh and pay just above that, house is assessed a little lowered than that. But yea, taxes are stupid low.

The people I was talking to where north of charlotte. I need to bust my ass getting stuff done around the house before I can leave.

Brainwashing + Sheltering + MASSIVE amounts of anti-depressants = typical Mormon out here. I 100% agree on them fucking up this state though; thus the 4 years left my wife and I have before we leave this state and head back to the midwest or east coast.

Yeah, anywhere outside of the city/major counties will be a little lower on taxes, naturally. Either way, still cheap as fuck.

Traveling a lot to the south and west, I have realized how fast and rushed New Yorkers are. Even simple things like ordering food and being in a public line just amazes me.

DUDE tell me about it, especially up here in NE Washington state… everyone drives like 75yr old ladies… the lines in the grocery store are fucking long because the cashier always wants to talk… etc etc. drives me insane!

CA is pretty amazing I might move here lol

that pace carries over to everything though. I used to live in the south. Girls need a ring on their finger and a baby in the crib before they’re old enough to go to a bar.
racism is rampant, women hit the glass ceiling, every aspect of life is a step behind.
so many times I would just scratch my head wondering “what the hell is wrong with these people.” Not a few. A LOT