Remote Starter "Neg While Running" Wire :(

What wire is positive when the car is not running then is negative when the car i running? lol i need to tap into something so i can finish this dam remote starter lol

The remote start should have the “neg while running wire”, but you usually won’t tap it to any wire in the car. It us usually used to turn on bypasses or trip relays if you need to do something special. Some cars require that you activate keysense or the car won’t start, you could use teh neg while running for that. What kind of car??

good luck with that …

you should have just had me do it


dave, what brand starter are you using? what car?

Its a 1994 honda civic lx sedan,
Bdr I was gonna come let you do it but I found a remote starter in one of my random boxes, its like a cheap xr-22? Xtreme? How can I bypass it?

what are you bypassing in a 94 civic?

I didn’t mean to say bypass but where or what should I hook that wire too? I got everything hooked up tried to start it, system cranked the engine 1 time, and stop, but when I grounded the neg whole running wire. It cranked then started and was still cranking the starter.

that wire should only be used for bypassing a security system during starting. did you play with the crank time settings at all??? Sounds like you adjusted it or it needs to be adjusted. I only assume your using the RS in voltage mode and not tach signal

I’m gonna check, it might be set up on factory setting which is like 1 sec crank. I just need it to crank for 2 or 3 sec. When I get home ill fiddle aeound with it more dreid what’s your number again I got your 516 number. I don’t think that works anymore.

516?? lol

903-4502 or hit me up on AIM dreid622