Rendell FTL

Actually you are only partially correct. If viewed as a static number, then yes, b ut when viewed as a % of GDP, that isn’t accurate in comparison to the spending spree of the 80’s, when RR was prez and had a democratic controlled house and senate.
But one thing is very true. BOTH parties spend like drunken sailors. The spending, pork, and earmarks are one of the reasons that the electorate punished the republicans in the mid terms. I ownder if they will get the message, and i wonder if the democrats are smart enough to see this. My guess is no on both counts.

By almost every measurable indicator, the economy is doing just fine. It would be doing even better if we werent spending billions on the war, but we are there, so thats really moot at this point.
As to 'tax cuts for the rich", how the fuck do you give tax cuts to the poor? They don’t pay any taxes in the first place, so how do you give them a tax cut?
I refuse to play the class warfare game. We ALL pay too much in taxes. The myriad of governments we have to deal with (Why do we have to have federal,state,county, township,city, school dist, etc governments anyway??) all taking our $$ and spending it like it’s someone elses money(DUH). ALL government entities need to cut spending AND taxes.