Rendell FTL

You seem to be pretty knowledgeable with regard to economics, but WTF?

The way to defend is for citizens to arm themselves and for us to kill terrorists, quietly, with little to no media coverage. It should not be a way for them (Islamic extremists) to get on TV and receive accolades from their terrorist buddies. They should just be hung, and not mentioned again.

Why did our border patrol agents go to prison for shooting a mexican druglord who was trying to invade our country??? If you want to know the enemy, it is our own government. The corrupt individuals who run it, have their own retirement plan, separate from social security, and fully funded by the taxpayers. These people are securing their own futures, not ours.

you took my comment kindve literally.

They hate us because of our religion, the extremists that is. It was more of a sarcastic comment i made.

Israel. thats why they blow us up. They can hate us all they like because of our religion. Its our foreign policy that REALLY makes them hate us.

We need to get the fuck out of the middle east, tell Israel they’re on their own, and spend the billions we waste on fighting “the war on terrorism” into becoming energy independent.

Energy independence through biofuels would be such a great thing for this country on countless different levels. The fact that we’re not pushing this probably pisses me off more than anything about our government.

sometimes you make excellent points. This is not one of those times. pretty much all of the above is just :ugh:

oh I know what mine are. I was wondering what yours are. And I dont plege allegiance to this country. :rofl:


I’m sure France would welcome someone as yourself then. It’s unfortunate a statement like that can’t bar you from citizenship, but that is a requirement to become a citizen.

Sometimes, it’d be nice to implant a patriotic immigrant into your naturlized situation, and do a trade off.

Pledging allegiance is a meaningless gesture. What exactly are you pledging allegiance to? the government? the people? what?

Its pointless nationalism. Nationalism is evil. I refuse to engage in it.

That is incorrect. If you do not pay your property taxes, your property will be seized and sold at a sheriffs sale. I KNEW you would pull that tired old line that renters pay property taxes. They do not. Landlords CANNOT figure in all of the property taxes into rent they charge becasue there are market forces at play that prevent them from doing so. I was once a landlord, so i know first hand. Different locations have different rates of taxation, so if a property owner tries to recoup a tax increase, his property may be vacated in favor of another property where they didnt raise the rent to cover property taxes.
If you benefit from a service(like you have kids in school), then you should PAY for that!

Nationalism leads to Facism.


Ok Darkstar, I may have gotten a little off topic, but think of it this way. How many terrorists try to attack in Texas?

The terrorists attack their enemies, and often those who are wealthy, but weak. (Right now we are arguably both)

If we had a bunch of badass Wyatt Earp looking mothers running around here, nobody would want to mess with us. We are a country of pansies, men raised by women, we are not that far off from France. We are the fattest nation in the world. I am beginning to hate us. It’s not just about Christianity, although that is a part of it.

you have to be delinquent on your property taxes for a long while before that happens.

after living in my house for 2yrs we got a letter saying taxes from 199somthing were not paid which were years before we moved in…we had title insurance so it didn’t effect us but still…my point is…property tax is not enforced as much as federal income tax

& as far as seizing your property…if they want it…they will take it.
i think eminent domain law was changed recenty in many states & yeah i know its has to do with taking your property for public use or the “public good”…but still … if they need it it will be taken.
& the reason it was changed was because the law was being abused…no suprise there.

this is really a pointless argument.

this makes me think of a quote from a friend.

myself & 2 others from this forum who will remain namless were @ the butler part-o-rama this past summer.
& we walked over to the “import” event, sound off, bikini show, etc…& while we were looking into the grandstand & @ the surrounding people & events.

one of my friends says…this almost makes me want to join the taliban.


it certainly does. I was going to make that point, but everyone here thinks I’m over the top as it is.

right. The terrorists, who have the stomach to blow themselves up/fly planes into buildings are going to be scared off by a bunch of “Wyatt Earp looking mothers”. We have the most advanced military the world has ever known. We could vaporize every square inch of the middle east at the touch of a button. Intimidation is NOT a factor.

They hate us because we support Israel. They may dislike us for other reasons, but they HATE us because of our mideast foreign policy. The jews need to get the fuck out of Israel, it would save the world such a headache.

Americans, generally speaking are fat, ignorant mindless sheep.

pledging is patriotism

no its not. neither is putting a stupid fucking ribbon on the back of you gas guzzling SUV.

blind faith in a leader is not either