Rendell FTL

Doesn’t matter, you are just arguing timing. Bottom line is the governemnt CAN and WILL seize your land and your home for unpaid property taxes. Check the sheriff sales that are by law published in the newspapers if you don’t believe me. As long as they can do this, do you actually own your property?

Originally Posted by Blackbelt View Post
That is incorrect. If you do not pay your property taxes, your property will be seized and sold at a sheriffs sale. I KNEW you would pull that tired old line that renters pay property taxes. They do not. Landlords CANNOT figure in all of the property taxes into rent they charge becasue there are market forces at play that prevent them from doing so. I was once a landlord, so i know first hand. Different locations have different rates of taxation, so if a property owner tries to recoup a tax increase, his property may be vacated in favor of another property where they didnt raise the rent to cover property taxes.
If you benefit from a service(like you have kids in school), then you should PAY for that!

Because i am correct. Do you pay property taxes? Have you ever paid property taxes? Do you own rental property? Have you ever had to manage properties? What may sound right in theory does not always work in the real world.

I am surprised that someone with such Libertarian leanings would be so in favor of something like property taxes…

Very true!

like i said…tax or not…if they want it they will take it

I am against property taxes in all forms.

The argument as to whether or not renters pay property tax, is a matter of the landlord. If the landlord is paying property tax out of pocket, he made some poor business decisions at some point and he is paying the price. The “I want to be a landlord so I can get rich” fad has unduly inflated the prices of many such “rental” friendly properties. If I have to pay to get people to live in my rental properties, I would be better off buying CDs at PNC.

The point i was trying to make ( i am obviously not doing a very good job of making it) is that due to market forces beyond his/her control, a landlord cannot always pass along various parts of the property tax to the tenent. I hated being a landlord, and was happy as hell to sell the house and get out of being one. BUt to say all renters are paying property taxes just isn’t accurate.
However, if in fact that WERE true, then in theory, eliminating property tax should result in lower rents, thereby giving renters more money in which to pay a flat income or sales tax. SOunds fair to me!

it seems like one of the more reasonable ways to be taxed IMHO. Everyone that lives in the community chips in for the social services they all enjoy. :dunno:

either way they’re still paying taxes. What’s the difference?

What’s the difference? Taxing commerce makes a little bit of sense.

Making people pay taxes year after year for something they already own is preposterous. There is a tax on the purchase, why should it be taxed indefinitely?

Besides, I have no kids in school, and that is one of the primary uses of property tax revenue. The people paying the tax aren’t reaping the benefit. That is the problem with most of our taxes. Look who is getting our social security money…

BUt a flat income or sales tax would be much fairer. If everyone benefits from these services, why should property owners have to shoulder a disproportionate share of the burden. WHy should old retired people have to pay so much of their fixed incomes just because the house they bought and live in has appreciated in value? Just because someone owns a home or land that has a good value does not mean they have a high income and can easily afford an onerous property tax.
A sales tax is the fairest way for everyone to pay a “fair share” for the services they receive.

Flat tax FTW. You consume, you pay. You don’t consume, you don’t pay.

That being said, I’d be willing to insert a clause for a fair school tax to ensure that future generations get the equal chance to learn how to socialize, do algebra, eat bad lunches, get cheated on in high-school relationships, join a sports team, get bullied, etc.

Oh, future generations in this country will definitely socialize…unless someone starts a revolution.

(I know I am taking your comment out of context.)

because someone has to pay for the roads, schools, ambulances, fire dept, police dept, public works… Its probably the only tax that actually goes to something worthwhile.

Besides, I have no kids in school, and that is one of the primary uses of property tax revenue. The people paying the tax aren’t reaping the benefit. That is the problem with most of our taxes. Look who is getting our social security money…

getting kids a good education benefits everyone in society. As far a social security, another good idea on paper, bad idea in practice social program.

Eh… its another good option. They both have their upsides and downsides. Either way, if the government would stop spending our money like MC Hammer in Vegas, everyone in the country would save a crapload of money.

On that i totally agree

we’re the richest country in the world, but we’re also in debt up to our eyeballs.
The citizens of this country need to think of the government as a corporation. Corporations are held responsible to their stockholders. They need to be maximizing profits. If the US Government was a corporation, it would be one of the most poorly run EVER. 10 trillion in debt and counting.

Spoken like a true libertarian. There are about 1000 areas of our lives where the gov needs to STFU and stay out.

One more thing. Thomas Jefferson was pretty intelligent. He opposed a centralized currency, too bad nobody listened. How would they collect taxes from us, if we didn’t have a standard dollar used to pay for everything? For example, you cut my grass, I detail your car…nothing to report, nothing to be taxed.

I registered Libertarian the day I turned 18. Vote Libertarian anytime I see one on the ballot.

I thought I remembered you supporting socialized medicine. Is that true? If so, is that a place where you disagree with the Libertarian stance?

Yeah…I’ve said that before! :smiley: