yes. If it was done correctly.
I really did not read this entire thread, mostly because of all the name calling shit in the first couple of pages. But anyhow heres an idea, instead of the PA government only collecting 5% of each 6% we pay, why not Collect the full 6%? They get the extra $.01 that they want, and we pay the same tax. The only person that losses is the business person that pocketing the other 1% right now.
But on the other hand, if you totally eliminated property tax, and raise the sales tax, you finally get your hands into the pockets of the drug dealers that ain’t paying shit right now.
drug dealers dont own property?
My angle on that was that I was more thinking that if sales tax was the main tax that we’d be effectively taxing people that try to slip under the radar, like drug dealers.
Most street dealers rent anyway? If the rate is properly selected the burden shifts to these types of people as well.
It is not uncommon for them to shack up in subsidized housing with people who don’t pay for sh1t.
How do you think there are so many Escalades in the projects?
More importantly, most of us pay far more property tax than income tax, and how do you tax a criminal’s income?
If you shift the tax burden to sales tax, then you collect revenue on all the fancy clothes, watches, cars and rims that the dealers buy. This simple switch could eliminate the need for the IRS, which is why nobody in the federal gov who wants to keep their job will support it.
In the Trib yesterday, it outlines Fast Eddy’s plan…
Here are some highlights
Increase education spending by 6%
-we all know when the government throws money at a problem it only gets worse, not to mention 6%!?!?!? What is inflation again?
NEW electricity consumption tax
-supposed to be 45cents per household, but the fact that there is ANY new tax with all his freaking increases is rididulous
Increase State Sales tax
Increase Cigarette tax and NEW tax for other tobacco products
Impose 3% payroll tax on companies who do not provide healthcare benefits
“Let local communities restrict the distribution and use of handguns, and limit purchase to one per month”
-ok, seriously WTF? He wants to limit our ability to buy guns? Maybe he is worried about all the new enemies he will have after proposing this plan.
Impose a new tax on oil companies
-smart move…that will help prices…fucking douchebag
Ban Smoking…everywhere
This guy wants to bend us all over, some more. Anyone who votes for him either has their head up their ass or is truly a dolt.
Rendell is a fucking loon. The firearms thing is something he’s been trying to shove down PA’s throat for a few years. Remember that this asshole is a Philly Dem and was a major player and member of HCI (Handgun Control Incorporated). These are the pantywastes that made some mid-atlantic and new england states into “gun free” zones…and left the criminals all to their lonesome to terrorize people.
I don’t have the funds to buy multiple guns per month, I wish I did. I would like to do it in protest. Outlawing it is insane, it’s one step short of disarming us completely.
" … to disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
– George Mason
ΜOΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ Eddy, you fat crooked shit.
Beware of ANY government handout…even education, because teachers can vote…
When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.
– Benjamin Franklin
He wants to tax the oil companies(who will pass the tax increase on to us in milliseconds) to give the $$ to that massive black hole known as “public transit”. More $$ for SEPTA and PAT to piss away. If you want to ride a bus, fine, go ahead. Just don’t force me to pay for part of your fucking ride. If the TRUE cost of a bus ride is 5 bucks, then YOU pay it!!!
He wants to take half of the sales tax increase and increase his nanny state welfare programs. Wonderful.
He wants to increase the cigarette tax and ban smoking…mmmmmkay:nuts: :nuts:
Increasing the basic public education subsidy by 6% actually is not enough. The state used to fund public education at approx 50% (IIRC, they are constitutionally mandated to do so.) I think they are currently in the 30’s, so they really DO need to bump that up. Problem is the teachers unions in this State have driven the cost up so much that we are getting CRUSHED with taxes. The reason that teachers get 4% raise every fucking year and don’t pay anything for health insurance etc etc etc is because the unions figure they have an endless supply of $$,a nd they have been pretty much right. What this state desperatly needs is a local referndum law, that states that any increase in property taxes for schools has to be approved by a referendum placed on the ballot to be voted up or down by all th evoters in the district. Until that happens, meaningful reform will never happen.
But i digress…
This fat ass Philly mobster thug should never have seen a second term. WTF is wrong with people???
Sheeple you mean.
I do, and I often buy several guns in one weekend. I goto a gun show/auction every 2-3 months, I always come home with more than one gun. Hell I have come home with three new guns in just one trip to the pawn shop. I like guns, lots of guns, but the fact is I can only use one at a time, so why does it matter how many I buy?
“This year will go down in history. For the first time,
a civilised nation has full gun registration!
Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient,
and the world will follow our lead into the future!”
Adolf Hitler, 1935
Thank you for finding that quote.
BS on my comment?? 2 Handguns would be over $1k for me, but thats off topic. Eddy is out of line.
Not you man, BS on the fucking one gun per month thing. And as for over $1K, you must spend like I do…:blue: