Renting a Mailbox in another Province/City for Insurance Purposes

Hello All,

I was wondering if anyone could tell me the exact process, one would have to go through to rent a mailbox from Montreal or a distant city?


A friend of mine said that he uses this rented mailbox as an address to avoid high insurance rates, for his NSX.

I was just wondering if you have to go to the actual city and go to the Post Office to rent a mailbox?

Also, how much would the fee cost? Would it be possible to order and pay for one over the phone?

If possible, has anyone experienced this, and/or still use this proces for cheaper insurance rates?

I can no longer afford $500/month on insurance.

this proposition consitutes insurance fraud, you might as well drive without insurance since, effectively you’d have none in the event of a claim…

and using a P.O. box for your drivers license address isn’t technically legal, our investigators use a P.O. box (within their city) but could plea neccessity if an issue arose…

But I suppose you would have to get P.O. box, then a license from that province, and get tested etc… then contact public insurance, and hope you never need tomake a claim

to make it more difficult you’d want that P.O. box to be forwarded to your actual address.

P.S. if you get busted for insurance fraud, you’ll likely never get reasonable insurance ever again

hey my friend just actually registered his license in some place up noth and also it being up north he did not need to get his car e-tested. all you need to do that is a address postal code and proof of residence i belive…but beware. that IS INSURANCE FRAUD… if you get pulled over down in “north york” just say youwork down here during the week and go live at “insert relitivs name” house. its a good way to save money. but face it. . . sooner or later you are gunna have to start paying insurance where you live. better off starting earler so your premium Goes down till its not much.
i live in brampton i have had insurance for 3 years now when i started i was at 4500 a year for a 1981 monte carlo, when i got my 240 it went up 80 bucks a year. then i had turned 21 and had insurance for a year clean slate… and now i pay 1000 a year . pretty much about 121.00 a month…

do it.

but dont call your address a P.O. box… lets say your box number is 445… put your address down as Suite 445 or APT 445…lol


my mailing and driver’s license address is NOT where i live and my insurance company knows it.

it serves many benefits.

When people call your plates in to police you can chill out and watch them roll and scope out your supposed home…lol… happened more than once.

I also made this arrangement with full disclosure to US insurance companies… i got quoted less for an E46 M3 w/ full coverage then i pay for an S13 with minimum coverage.

it’s only fraud if you are actually lying.

honestly the best place to get licensed and registered for insurance is quebec, literally for $200 that it costs you also get built-in $2mil liability coverage, obviously you will have to make periodic trips up there to renew the license

being licensed from somewhere else will get you a break, as will having a primary residence somewhere “safe” like collingwood, I had several friends who pulled that trick after their insurance screwed them for moving around in gta

an ex-colleague of mine moved 2 side streets over in scarborough and his insurance went up $700/yr… apparently a house 2min walk away is lower risk

so not only do the insurance companies define regions they get really specific within the city, which street you live on, probably by postal code (which is usually no more than 50 houses or 2 blocks)

sweeet. still need to clarify a few things…

  1. does my address on my license and the address that i “live at” (the mail box i’m renting) have to match with each other, for my insurance to be valid? if it does not match, will an authority figure be able to use that against me?

  2. when i ask to rent a mailbox; is that only applicable to a p.o. box? also, isn’t that a lie if i make it a suite or apt # instead.

  3. about that: i used to work at the municipal property assessment corporation, and they are able to tell whether or not the address is a p.o. box or a suite/apt #.

do insurance companies have that option, and are they able to view it? also, should i just fully apply for a whole new insurance company instead of stay with the same one i am with right now?

  1. also, the only reason why i am opting for this option is because 2 years ago i got a major conviction ticket for no insurance and was charged, minimum first offence $5000. But i was able to convince the judge to lower it, and thus, it was lowered to $1500.

But thats besides the point, after about a month of having my first insurance on my own, i was quoted $493.00/month, with a G2. Since then I have attained my G license. Anyway, within my first month, I got into an accident, and the dude fuked me over and went through insurance, thus, when i renew (from this company) my insurance will supposedly raise.

just wanted to leave that note in there. the question again is: should i apply for a different insurance company? if so, should it be an insurance company that has their office in the mailbox where i’m renting (ie. peterborough, barrie, etc)

  1. what other cities 1-2hr drive from toronto has cheap insurance rates?

basically if you are lieing and you cant cover your ass then dont do it.

i would likely only do that if the insurance company is aware… aka. you are a student in Quebec and you live in a place that is not condusive to receiving your mail. maybe you switch from low income student res alot and you use your p.o box as a base so that your parents can always send you mail.

or you live with a relative and your mail goes there.

the insurance company cant prove where you live but they can prove if your address is not a real address or not.

your best bet is to use a relative or use the above student example but clear it with the insurance company.

If you try the student thing, u might be asked to show proof.

if you live in a small town or hamlet like say terracotta near georgetown, there is a communal mailbox, it might be possible to get one if they have any space even if you don’t officially live there… or something like mail boxes etc

I just prefer to do it the way everyone else does and get my nice rate that way, It is not worth the hassle to a lopt of people to try to doup the system for $70 a month. of even that much.

The fact of the matter is that, soon i will be going back to school.

I don’t want to have to sell my car, or drive another one, when I go back to school, because I won’t be able to afford $500/month.

And i’m sure, on my renewal date, it will go up higher. I don’t really have much of a choice, if i want to keep my car.

Putting the insurance under parents name or anything like that isn’t an option because it would only cause my parents insurance to raise as well.

Hmmm… everyone’s that’s said they’ve done it, makes it seem so simple.

Your insurance is $500/month? With what company? You could always try looking for another company.

if it’s true it IS simple, but if you are trying to make it all up then it really isnt that simple.

a guy I knew was officially living near orangeville and was paying $670/yr full coverage on a mid 80’s cutlass… while I agree it was a pos and probably low on the risk scale, I don’t know anyone in the gta paying that little on worse cars

does it pay to scam the system? absolutely, they are constantly scamming you, it’s highway robbery that they can keep jacking rates with impunity for nothing more than location “risk” … they are pulling in record profits year after year

in most cases you could not pay insurance and still save money if you get charged considering the average times the average driver gets pulled over… although this doesn’t apply to kids with sports cars … imagine if a friend of mine who was pulled over for the first time in 7 years had never paid insurance and got the $xxxx fine… he’d still be up at least $5k

yeah you can go 10 years without getting pulled over, but all it takes is 1 bad accident on your “friend’s” part… (everyone makes mistakes) and it’s over. Might as well packs your bags and leave the country.

accidents are expensive if you don’t have insurance.
Lawsuits are even more expensive.
It’s just NOT worth it to drive without insurance.

if you can’t afford insurance it’s because:

  1. your a dumb ass for ruining your record, and it’s your own damn fault.

  2. you can’t afford it for whatever other reason <— in this case, DON’T DRIVE! SAVE ! TAKE THE BUS!

but don’t get into a car without insurance and drive, life has it’s funny little ways of coming around. Do you wanna risk hitting a pedestrian without insurance… i don’t.

It’s that kinda mentality that gets people into trouble.
grow up.

the question at the beginning of the thread is what I’m talking about, having an alternate “living” address can save you money, you still have coverage and legal standing just pay less

it’s kinda like the retail scam where they have 50% off signs but the price is the same as always when you checkout because they raised it’s list price… that’s also a scam but somehow people find that acceptable at futureshop?

Heh … grow up or bend over.

You wanna know why insurance rates are so high, why gas is so high?

Because everyone keeps “growing up” … and as a result keep taking it in the ass.

The problem is people only want to help themselves, and not the rest - so the system wins out in the end.

I’m more confused though is how your friend can afford an NSX, but not insurance. Is it an NX?

The simple fact is the ‘system’ isn’t stupid. If you wanna fool it, you have to be smart. If you’re not smart, just find a way to pay.

That was the lowest quote I could ever find, at that time.

got the quote off

That confuses me as well.