+Rep for Wayne

Cliff Notes at end:

Long story short, after getting my motor back in my car I started to slowly find issues w/ the initial build. Still trying to get money back from the machine shop so I’m not going to post the name of who built it, just know that it wasn’t in the Capital District so there’s not much threat of them screwing over anyone on here…

Basically, I started burning through coolant, then had overheating issues. Came to the point where it wouldn’t even start. 80% leakage on all cylinders. I was in the middle of packing our apt to move to FL, so I didn’t have time, space or the tools to tackle this project myself. Asked around and Wayne was highly recommended. I twisted his arm and got my way, on short notice.


Wayne was hesitant at first, considering he has never touched an ECOtec motor, but was willing to listen to reason. I forwarded him the GM Build book for this motor’s assembly and he agreed (on short notice) to turn my car around in a pretty short time-frame.

I will let him fill in some of the specifics, but he got the head off and found that it was severely warped and a little twisted as well. Machine shop confirmed that it could be straightened and decked without going redic out of spec, but it also was in need of a full valve job. Got it back all pretty and shiney, put it together and even helped me push it up on to the trailer.

Overall, I am extremely happy with Wayne’s help. He always responded to my texts/e-mails and actually answered his phone every time I called. Gave great advice and even looked into stuff on his own to feel more comfortable w/ the build. If you need help and don’t have the time, space, know-how or whatever…Wayne is an awesome guy and awesome option. Knows his shit and gives extremely generous labor rates. Probably the best part was the follow-up. Wayne actually cared whether my car ran well after I got it together, even though I had moved to FL and it really wasn’t his problem anymore.

Cliff Notes: Cobalt HG bad…Wayne make gud…

Nice looking balt.

wayne is good ppl.

Thanks. I have a love/hate relationship w/ this car. Tune is getting pretty close to dialed in. Drivability is phenomenal as of the latest update from Brandon at Fast Motorsports, but haven’t had a chance to dial in PE yet. Just happy I can rock it to work cause it gets great gas mileage and work is over 100 miles round trip…

I agree

god those eco,s are a pain to work on

Really??? I don’t think they’re bad at all…

im a fat guy wit huge hands , catch my drift lol

100% :lol

I have a hard time w/ being 6’1" and leaning over the damn engine bay. Just change the plugs and my knees and back are killing me…

wayne is good shit …period

boy am i 100% happy i got rid of my LSJ nightmare… i had never had one problem with that car for the 103k miles i put on it, but after about 40k miles i didn’t want to even be in it

glad to see this one is still driving around

As it’s gotten older it reminds me more and more of my old Cavalier Z24. lol

they will never be in that category lol

Hey man glad you are happy!!! Also glad to hear it’s still running strong for ya!

Def a + rep for wayne.

good shit. Im going to have waynerzzz do my clutch. When? I dunno. Sometime before it decays into the dirt.

HaHaHa, I have had many days where I wish I just traded it in on a G8 GT before I swapped it to turbo and it still had “value.”

J-body, lulz. I had one of those too…

I agree.

You know it mang. Sent you an e-mail with a ?, btw…

I concur.

I would definitely seek his help with projects if I stayed up there…

He still likes men.