Replaced the battery, now starter just clicks?


The thing that is really getting me is the 8v that the signal wire is getting at the solenoid. What could cause it to only be getting 8v when the battery has 12.3v? And why would the starter still not start after giving it direct power from the battery? When giving it power directly from the battery, the shaft will pop out but it will not spin. Ive checked and rechecked all of my grounds visually. How should test them with a multi meter?


Was this 8v reading when you jumpered it with the 14ga wire? Its probaby from the wire being kinda thin, and a poorish connection, but a little weedwacker should start off nothing… :confused: 8v is freeking low for a starter though…

8V drop to the starter relay is most likely from the drio in the ign. switch. Maybe. Sounds also like the starter solenoid is weak. I’ve bought alt.s, starters from Advance and A.Zone and had them take a shit with less than 10min. of idle rotation on them.

Your all gonna love this one:

Took it in to Honda. 6 hrs later they called me up literally laughing. Apparently when I took the wires off to clean the ends and swap terminal connectors, I took the starter power wire and attatched it to the negative terminal instead of the positive.

Cost of a new starter: $109
Cost of new terminal connectors: $6
Cost of new ground and power wires: $27

Letting Honda tell you you made a newbie mistake: Priceless…well not exactly ($92)

:lol: A $92 dollar lesson isn’t so bad. :tup:

You should hang out more with Stephen Burke :lolsign:


Im sure the guys at the dealer got a chuckle out of it… and from the $92 price tag, id say it took em way longer than it should have to find out you grounded the starter wire…

Thats why it helps to have another person look at it, they might have noticed this…