Replacing broken Iphone screen

Hey guys. I have a question. I just bought a used iphone 4g, 8gb, from a friend and I accidentally dropped it in my driveway, cracking the entire screen. I was just wondering if there is any way to somehow replace Iphone screen. I do not have warranty on it, it’s not in the service either. Can you buy a replacement screen online? How do you replace it? Thanks.

ebay and youtube


You can not replace just the screen. The iPhone 4 has the digirizer fused to the glass to prevent dust from getting under it so you need to buy the glass with digitizer so you are looking at about $100-120 for the parts plus taking teh entire phone apart which isn’t that easy if you aren’t familiar with it.

Can it be done? Yes.

Is it something you should attempt yourself when you couldn’t even google if it could be done yourself? Definitely not.

Here’s the 30 step process (*60 if you count putting it back together) if you’re feeling adventurous.

You’re better off paying one of the many companies that offer screen replacement service to do it. There’s even a local one in Buffalo.

Who does it locally? Google-fu is failing me. Idiot BIL broke his.

i can tell you one thing, do not go to this kid jacked up my roomates phone, i have a number for some kid who ended up fixing the phone that was fucked up by the kid who runs that site, pm if interested. he charges 125 or so.

Says he guarantees his work. I have no idea if he’s any good and don’t know anyone who’s used his service. Just one that came up while I was searching for options when my out of warranty iphone 4 home button stopped working.

I did find some videos on youutube and a couple of websites such as these: ($90) ($30) ($70) ($62)
and there is shit load more of them, but from what i’ve heard, it’s really hard to replace it. Does anyone know any shops/individuals in Buffalo that would do it for decent price? I went to Apple, they told me $199 pshh, stupid. I would’ve went to Verizon (cuz thats where it was bought originally), but i’ve got it from some kid at the flea market for $80, so i’m sure it was stolen, and i dont wanna get in trouble lol.
Is it even worth replacing?

I also noticed that the battery life is going down much faster and both of my cameras (front and back) are out :confused:

You bought a phone that you assume was stolen? I’m glad you broke it. They had a youtube video on replacement and you can do yourself or send it to them. It seemed fairly simple to do in house…if you pay close attention to detail. I think their send in service was pretty reasonable. I have an HTC so I’m not sure if this all applies to your fancy “fruit fone”. Mines cracked too.

Kijiji has lots of people who repair iphones
A buddy of mine got his 3g screen replaced
For 20 it might be more costly being a 4g
But can be done 100% just go on kijiji

Cameras not working is odd,either its been previously repaired and not properly reassembled or it has water damage. Have the liquid indicators been tripped?

friend of mine started that. have had a number of friends get theirs done with no problems


i broke mine once and a friend replaced it for me. my advice, throw it out and move on