Replacing front master cylinder, what do I need to know

OK so this is a 2 part question:

Im finally got my clip-ons, switches and grips in the mail for my GS1000 cafe but now Im looking to replace the clutch lever and the front master cylinder. I will be running GS1k spokies but Im unsure about my brake setup. Is it possible to keep the dual disks in the front when using the spokies or do I have to go down to one?

When replacing the master cylinder, what do I need to look for to make sure that it will work with my brake setup? I want to run something like this:

or like this:

The cleaner looking the better

My plan is to retrofit a gravity feed oil reservoir from industrial machinery to act as the reservoir and make it unique. This is the reservoir I have in mind for the front:

Im not worried so much about retrofitting the reservoir, more so making sure I get the right master cylinder “unit(?)” and then tackling the retrofit after I get the original piece to work. I dont understand what the specs mean when i look at aftermarket units and Im not sure which ones can be used from other bikes. I would like to keep everything metal of some sorts since everything else on the bars is going to be metal and plastic free.

So, anyone have any advice or information?

Not sure about the brakes on the spoked wheel. As far as mounting the master, most modern sportbikes are 5/8" clip ons so if you have 5/8" bars you’re all set there. Then its just a matter of making you get proper size banjo bolt and fittings to work with both your lines, and the master. Hope that helps, if you have any more specific questions, let me know.