Replacing Steering bushings

Hey guys. My car is making what sounds like a tire rubbing noise (which its not) only when I turn left. Spilner said its the steering bushings. I would just like to know what these are lol. Are they the rubber boots on the steering rack? Mine are ripped and torn. Anyways, how hard is this job to do myself and how much would a shop charge to do it. I wanna get it done this week b4 the meet cause its brutal on the highway.

they r called CV boots

steering bushings go in where the bolts hold the steering rack to the…crossmember thing

if im not mistaken you loosen the bolts and slip new bushings in after taking the old ones out

if you have a header your steering column rubbing the header could cause a similar sound if your engine mounts are worn out

No crossposting. :nono:
