Resume Help

So Its time to find another job that pays a little better then 8hr for the bullshit I put up with at the call center. I’m in my field doing basic tech work for a small hardware company. I want to get the fuck out of dodge to something a little better. I have customer service exp and I guess thats a + to most employers. Im really looking to find something with low end tech/grunt work with PC building type shit. Basic stuff to get my foot in the door and work my way up. I know hospitals are always hiring but I can never seem to get a call from anyone I throw my resume at.

The main reason for this post is Im trying to add my A+ cert to my resume, I know people say it doesnt mean shit, but hell it cant hurt, and work payed for it. I dont know exactly HOW to put it in my Resume other then the Cert and the date I got it?

Any help?

my resume is like so





under skills is where i’d put "a+ certified, test taken @ ,<location> and passed on <date>

this is also where i put catagories like Hardware : <listing of hardware i use> Software: <listing of software> Networking: <blah blah> so you could just put Certifications: <a+>

i can send you my resume if you want to look at it.

you can send it to me so I can copy it :x: :smiley:

I have a section on mine with certificates. I listed the individual tests for my MCSE there.

Well I tried to help you…But healthcare and computers are just a lil’ different. Someday you might make more money than me lol.

not really… i was the network admin for a healthcare provider before this current job… you guys rely on computers to bill for your clients… so omg, imagine you having to rely on dom to get paid :eek: :rofl: :wink:

lol, yeah, she works in health care so jobs are aplenty… unlike tech work in pissburgh where they want 5+ years of exp byt you have to hunt like crazy to get your foot in the damn door.

I applied to a lawfirm the otner day, i was WAAAAAAAAAAAAY underqualified in the EXP department, but fuck it… the job was basic grunt/tech work. PC repair type stuff. I can do that drunk and passed out. :1320: