rhd insurance

hey guys

i don’t mean to beat a dead horse here since i know this has been discussed to death. however, this is kind of a twist.

I have owned two rhd’s in the past, both insured under different companies. however, both times the comanies flat out refused to insure the cars since the 10 digit vin could not be input into their systems.

what i have done in the past is have my j-specs re-vinned with a 17 digit Canadaian vin. also this has made things easier, it is a month long process at times and costs $500.

my j-spec supra will be arriving in mid april and i would like to have it insured under its 10 digit vin. i am with a new company now so perhaps they may do it, but in case they are hesitant, what have some of you guys done in the past (said or done) to have yours insured under 10 digits?

thanks boys

Mine was simple. Told them my VIN, they insured me. The time and money is worth the hassle I guess.

GOOD question! i wanna know the answer to this cause im looking at getting a RHD after i sell my S14!!

Tom what company is the skyline insured under?

Family broker, wish I knew the name.

there is a few people including myself that have insurance for a 10 digit vin, my insurance company now wont insure my car but will let me 10 day trip permit it.

pantaloons or kev@ams can probably let you guys know what company they use.

there is one on hwy 10 and derry, i cant remember the name off the top of my head but they insure high risk drivers/cars…they will insure it i just dont know the price

well seeing that its a supra and we have those here in canada their should not be a problem. The cars you had in the past were they skylines?(reason i ask is because we have never had those here) i own a silvia and just told them it was a 240 with the steering wheel on the other side and i pay $100 a month because they just considered it a normal 240.

DOMINION OF CANADA!!! Just remembered mine lol

hey guys i have a 180sx and yes im with state farm and i also have the jdm vin on my car and its insured as a high risk and im paying less then what i payed for a 240sx also there is a guy in Guelph that will insure you RHD no problem and really good rates I will put his info up on here in a day if that will help anyone


please do this or pm to me

i live in guelph, i go through ostic insurance broker on scottsdale, co-operators, td, steele and ferraro will insure you…wouldnt recommend steele and ferraro- rates tend to increase every time you call in, i have a no insurance claim, 2 speeding tickets, an accident and i pay 140 for my gtir witht eh JDM vin

^^ if you dont mind me asking what might your age be? like im 24 and want to get a RHD

im trying to get my 180 insured right now… left a message with my broker. waiting to hear back, i usually go through ING has anyone one had luck insuring the 11 digit vin through them?

i was 24 when i insured it i pay more for my 91 nissan truck

so JDM vehicles are cheaper to insure! is that a correct statement to make?!?

in my case it is i dont know why

try Nordic Insurance Company / Facility Insurance / CANADA BROKER LINK they added my GTiR with 10digit VIN no problem

i have western assurance

with a 10 digit vin

and pay 88$ per month

Axa insurance here, with an 11 digit vin. no problems. $230/month

Maybe see if they can insure your car under a 19A policy, with the 11 digit vin if its appraised?

To everyone insuring their RHD vehicle, does the insurance know its right hand drive? Or just that it has the 11 digit vin?

Meaning, did you tell them its RHD, or basically just kept your mouth shut.

I need to know ASAP.