Those are time wasters wanting to get court hours/ double income on tax payers money. Cool cops don’t break up meets without justifiable cause. Dick cops break them up and create reasons afterwards. The cops had to get some tickets to justify it and this guy just happened to be one of the guys picked out. I’d never show up to a JDMR meet in a RHD vehicle. JDMR is targeted for good reason. If I had a dime for everytime I saw someone bang off VTECH or peel out of Dundas/403, I’d have a new paint job. I see it multiple times per week, every week.
Ummmmmm I don’t think so… first off…what does JDMR have to do with anything? Second off, there were PLENTY of respectable vehicles there. There were skylines, fd’s and s-chassis…so wtf r u talkin about? Third and most important thing is that you said OPP… OPP vs Peel…you do the math. Let it simmer for a second. PEEL. Nuff said. Uneducated police officers looking to shit disturb. Last time i checked, KC was in a totally different region…
lol brandon you got owned
Got the same ticket, went to court got dropped within 1 seccond, FTP
what a waste of time and money and what a dumbasses, can’t they just live and let live… fucken gay.
There should be a law against discrimination/harassment like this. I mean they get away with it… it’s like cops use loopholes to harass us specifically even if we don’t do jack… lol
What does JDMR have to do with it? First of all it’s monitored by police, which is common knowledge. Second of all there is a history of known shit going down at JDMR meets. Skylines, FD’s, respectable cars, it is all irrelevant to past known history of shit going down. They’re out to get tickets, they know shit has gone down many a time at meets, and there is a good chance of getting tickets. They show up, get tickets. And that is exactly what they did. So WTF am I talking about? I’m talking about relevancies. Your shit is completely irrelevant. And whether you are in the right or the wrong is irrelevant to the fact that there is exercisable potential for tickets.
Now just to put.the nail in the coffin,juxtapose JDMR’s meet history with SON’s. “nuff said”.
Also, don’t even begin to talk to me about Peel. You also do realize I have lived in the area for 6 years, living relatively close to 11 division. What does that mean? I see the same cops 100x more than you ever will, been there, done that, more bullshit to boot with them than you. Don’t go there.
Needs one of these:
Basically the rich/elite and powerful can be loud as fuck with ferraris/lambos whatever but the poor and struggling are getting ridiculous fines for ridiculous things and made up stupid laws lol
I rarely see a ferrari or lambo with a tubi exhaust or stock or whatever get pulled over, that shit is ears ripping loud…
Are you fuckin retarded? Really. I live right off of ray lawson, i drive past the station like 4 times a day, and get harassed all the time and i have a spotless record. They pull me over ask me shit and feel stupid for pulling me over. That was the second JDMR meet i’ve ever been to, and i went because a few friends of mine were going, and both times not a single thing happened. “shit going down” never happened. But hey you see 100x more cops then ill ever see making what i say irrelevant… This is the very reason why i have so little posts.
do you guys ever see a “right hand drive” sticker on a mail truck? nope
I always drive up besdie mail trucks and nod like we’re homies
Why facepalm its true, there ripping around all jdm tyte, do they get harrassed? nope
Did the cop shove his fingers up your ass, or are you just always an asshole? That’s hardly harassment. And stop straw maning WTF I am saying ffs. I am not saying your shit is irrelevant because I see more cops-I live beside one of the biggest stations in Peel, I actually do see more cops than you-I was implying that your shit is trivial, and you had it coming sooner or later being in a heat spot. I was also implying that you got it really easy, and that I drive by more cops in a multiple-colour car, with no DRL’s and plenty of dick cops, and don’t get as much shit as you seem to-but I understand where you are coming from, from personal experience. I do live beside the most corrupted station, I know the bullshit. That was what I was saying. I didn’t think I had to spell it out for you, but whatever.
Like I said, the area has a history, and cops know they can get tickets. They showed up, got tickets. I am obviously right about my argument. There’s nothing to argue against, so don’t bother. Just handle your shit, be prepared, and move on. I have never heard of anyone getting that ticket in Peel. When the cops make moves like that, they need to be able to show reason and continued reason to keep doing it. They don’t give a fuck about your opinion, they just know that most people don’t fight tickets and they can issue you that ticket and get away with it because your car is RHD. If it wasn’t a RHD ticket it would have been something else. I have talked with cops about this, this is how they work. They play a game of odds, jam the courts, and let the courts decide.
Who the fuck cares who sees more cops, he got a bullshit ticket and hes venting, id do the same
Yes im always and asshole, I have no DRL’s either, and I loved your enlightenment. Thanks a lot.
well my buddy got the same ticket then the same day the cop called my buddy back and said he screwed up and took the ticket back
That’s how it should be.
This happenned to my buddy in his GT4, cop pulled him over gave him the ticket. My buddy didnt say shit, went right home and searched on the net, found the same thing as you in the Highway Traffic Act. Right after reading it he hears a knock on his door and its the cop. He asked for the ticket back, ripped it up and told him to have a nice day. You fight it, you’ll win 100%
Dont be afriad to open your mouth and speak. Thats what i do now everytime i get pulled over. i say “dont you have real criminals to catch” Or “when you signed up for the force didnt you have bigger aperations then to be a traffic cop? What about a detective, guess you werent good enough” Or my favorite " Your nothing better then a renta cop with a bonus check"
Use your mouth and stand up for yourself and youl get away with it. Works for me