RHD Vehicle Sticker ticket

So yesterday I left that huge JDMR meet because it was broken up by cops. So I pull out like everyone else was. Next thing you know there’s a cop beside me at a light staring at me. So light turns green and everyone pulls away. He comes behind me and pulls me over immediately. The faggot was alone at first, then one of his buddy piggies came out of nowhere to be a nosey homo. Well they both come to my car, the one who came out of nowhere starts paying compliments and asking how much one costs and all that other jazz. After his admiration stopped get this, he asked me how fast i’ve taken the car. I was like…wtf. He’s like “i don’t care, im just wondering”. I said “not that fast. I have a clean record and wanna keep it that way. Plus the car is governed at 180kms so it won’t go faster then that.” He said ok, then leaves. Then the original fag who pulled me over comes back after 20 mins to give me a ticket for having a RHD vehicle that doesnt say " Right Hand Drive Vehicle" on the back.I went to the station and said i never knew i needed this bullshit and that there were dozens of RHD vehicles there and he just decides to pull me over. This little piggy said “It’s at his own discretion” Then i said “so he can ignore everyone else who is breaking this so called law and come for me only?” He said “At his discretion, And you probably were breaking other right hand drive vehicle laws” I was fuckin fuming. Then he has the nerve to say maybe i should read up on the traffic acts before i drive a rhd vehicle…i was like wtf…So i left. Got home did my “Research” and found this…

Vehicles with right hand drive

  1. Every vehicle that is equipped with a right hand drive shall, unless it is equipped with a mechanical or electrical signal device as described in subsection 142 (6), have prominently displayed on the rear thereof, in bold face letters of not less than 50 millimetres in height and of a colour which is in contrast to that of the vehicle, the words,


R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 63.

(rule down below is 142 (6))

Requirements for signalling device

(6) A mechanical or electrical signal device shall clearly indicate the intention to turn, shall be visible and understandable during day-time and night-time from the front and from the rear of the vehicle for a distance of 30 metres, and shall be self-illuminated when used at any time from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 142 (6).

Long story short, I have visible turn signals from the front and rear that can be seen from over 30 meters away. Looks like he needs to do the fuckin research. I’ll be seeing that pig turn to bacon bits when he sees he’s wrong in court. And BTW The ticket is for $110

Fuck the Police

This unfair treatment of car enthusiasts is BS and is getting extremly annoying. I wish cops were unbias

sadly its a waste of everyone’s time and money because now you have to go to court for 30seconds of your life to get it thrown out

Your both exactly right.

that sucks dude, cops can be complete pricks, that guy was clearly a dickhead and was just waiting for an excuse to ticket somebody, the thing that sucks is that your still prob gonna miss out on a day of work or waste a vacation day for court, but the good thing is you did some homework that clearly proves he doesnt know shit about rhd vehicle laws, so your just gonna make look like that much more of a douche, eitherway still balls tho, gl with your court date

When you are able to prove the officer was in the wrong and that your ticket or charge had no ground to stand on you should be reimbursed for the waste of time.

pssh fuck cops just got another ticket today :frowning:

you gonna whine and post this up on every forum?

All you have to do is take it to court. You only need it if the signals don’t work.

I’m going to fight the same ticket this Friday.

You dont need it. Go to court and be able to prove you have electronic signal lights and your fine.

However, you might want to put a sticker or emblem on.

We put them on every one of our customer vehicles to ensure this never happens and it hasnt to date.

go to the station - fill out a complaint form if you feel you were unfairly targeted. you can also bring the hta copy along with you incase the pig is on duty to make him feel stupid.

Just tape a copy of the right hand drive section of the HTA to your bumper.
But seriously, I got the same bullshit. I always keep a copy of the HTA in my glovebox, so I got out of that ticket, but I guess that pissed him off so I got 7 others. I was doing nothing wrong.

Just be prepared.

Just take the court date.

Put the sticker on your car and take a pic.

Go to court, ask the judge to tell you all the RHD car laws, he wont know them off the top of his either. Explain how you didnt know, show him/her it has been corrected and your charge will be dropped.

Brandon, I have the same ticket. My court date is June 3rd, 2010.

Got this last year…

You srsly don’t need the sticker. It says so in the law. Bring a copy of what you copypasted with you to court and the charges will be dropped instantly.

Thanks for the support everyone.
And for the record, I am not putting that damn sticker on my car if i legally don’t need it. Why don’t i put on a dog collar while im at it just because a copper tells me too?
And for everyone who goes to court for this before i do, post and let me know your results. Please and Thanks:)

how many times do i gotta repeat this

print the two relevant HTA sections on a piece of paper and keep the paper in your glovebox

You only got a ticket because you were at a JDMR meet. Ask anyone that was at K.C last week about the OPP cops. They were joking around with us, complimenting on our cars. There were RHD cars completely gutted and not a single person received anything close to a ticket.

Or he just got a dick cop who has zero knowledge on the issue. Since I recieved the same ticket last summer I’ve been asked where my “Right Hand Drive Vehicle” sticker was each time I’ve had an encounter with a cop. I think the only thing holding them back from giving me the ticket is that mine is still currently in progress. Explaining to them that as long as I’ve got mechanical or electrical turning devices (turn signals) does nothing. They believe what they know over you, regardless if I’ve shown the the print-out of the H.T.A sitting in my glove compartment.