Rice and You!

im jdm rice. the best kind! lol

straight from the home land.


if thats what you call Japan, yes. riceland.

lol japan (homeland) where the good rice is made!

I thought that was RicEland…


Riceland = JDM!!!

now you got it.

so if Negative camber = Rice, and Rice = JDM, then BMW = JDM?

now u r getting a lil too philosophical on us! lol

lol. I guess thats what happens when you are so Ricetastic due to Negative Camber…

i dont think negative camber means rice…toe/camber can help with handling ect…guess it depends on the over all look of the car!

according to alex (niskyspy) negative camber is rice.

i can safely assume that he only goes in a straigt line then doesnt he?

must be… with only audio done to the car, there is no point to anything else.

audio suxors! its pointless and a waste IMO…

audio = rice!

if thats the case… STOCK = RICE!

rice is in the eyes of the beholder.

IMO you can run a body kit and such, if its clean then it looks good. huge/big/gawdy (sp?) shit is rice to me.

I know I’m running Large chrome wheels on a kitted accord, but I dont think i am anywhere close to rice…