im jdm rice. the best kind! lol
straight from the home land.
if thats what you call Japan, yes. riceland.
lol japan (homeland) where the good rice is made!
I thought that was RicEland…
Riceland = JDM!!!
now you got it.
so if Negative camber = Rice, and Rice = JDM, then BMW = JDM?
now u r getting a lil too philosophical on us! lol
lol. I guess thats what happens when you are so Ricetastic due to Negative Camber…
i dont think negative camber means rice…toe/camber can help with handling ect…guess it depends on the over all look of the car!
according to alex (niskyspy) negative camber is rice.
i can safely assume that he only goes in a straigt line then doesnt he?
must be… with only audio done to the car, there is no point to anything else.
audio suxors! its pointless and a waste IMO…
audio = rice!
if thats the case… STOCK = RICE!
rice is in the eyes of the beholder.
IMO you can run a body kit and such, if its clean then it looks good. huge/big/gawdy (sp?) shit is rice to me.
I know I’m running Large chrome wheels on a kitted accord, but I dont think i am anywhere close to rice…