Ricer Rant

Ive seen that lumina with the terminator2 wing on it,but the north hills does have more ricers per capita than the south hills.

The grey newish Civic SI and Acura TL that were racing each other on McKnight Road this morning around 7AM in the freezing rain in heavy traffic were definitely ricers…even if they were older dudes, the ricer spirit lives on in their hearts.

I got flamed bad when I first signed up and then the smoke died down and this is an awesome place for help as anytime you ever have a quetion theres always willing people to help. If you arent a bitch and dont talk so hard youll be fine but this hurtin feelinz shit and blowing smoke outta your ass is whats making it worse …remember your a lame whiteboy from pittsburgh HOMEY

I feel left out… i was never flamed! I wish I could just be a noob for life…

This is like the Bright Lights Loud Pipes crew.

wow i forgot all about the BLLP crew is that thread still int he archives?

I think I know what happened. All you big meanies must have had a poor childhood. Your mothers and fathers probly beat you and told you how pathetic you were. And now at age 30 you have to pick on little kids who drive cars on their budget, becsuse they arent old enogh to have real jobs. But thats cool, one day you will have kids and what goes around, comes around.


shut up you faggot. i paid for everything i did to my car, my insurance, my gas.

hell i would have even had to pay for the sawzaw that i used if i wanted to remove my mufflers.

are you saying my kid will be a ricer???




I have to keep you fired up on here, this way you dont get banned over on scs again…Oh wait, you are now. See ya in 3 days though:bigthumb:

my parents loved me very much :smiley: im just a bitch at heart. being young doesnt give anyone an excuse for being a fu@king retard. which brings me to my next question…how was your childhood? what did your parents do wrong to have you turn out this way? did they beat you and tell you your worthless…or did they turn the other cheek and say maybe hes just a bit more flamboyant than the other boys. did they tell themselves he will grow out of it and stop playing dress up in mommys close/makeup.

im not banned there.

:eek3: :hahano:

Listen up you little auto subi rs piece of shit. If it was up to me you’d be gone like yesterday. I’ll shit so hard it’ll float down the river, jump out and smear all over your turdy little mustang. You’re so balls to the wall now that you ‘acquired’ a mustang, I can’t handle it.

fuck dress up, ever play dress down? :wink:


I’m just going to kill you

Since the last post was deleted by B-rad how about this idea, how about i just bash him in teh face a lil?:bigthumb:

i know both parties, tony more so than jeff. I haven;t seen tone in about a year. he probably is telling the truth on the 50k cause he was a boilimaker from the last i knew. Sold his monte SS and got into imports so i lost contact. He’s a good dude, came and saw me at the hospital when i wrecked the motorcycle. He would be down the strip or the stadiums when that still went on.

Freak that bitch out tone…

I’m fittin’ to go try dis at home.