Rider buys new bike. Killed leaving the lot

just to set the story straight the biker was at fault. he lost control of his motor cycle due to not having rode a bike in years.

RichiE, on scene. News at 11.

the girlfriend and i saw the guy laying on the ground before EMT or police arrived. his body was wrapped around the street sign. about a minute later an ambulance pulled up and blocked him from passer-by view. pretty sad, also i guess his father was the other bike he was riding with.

First time with a clutch? I watched a squid put a BRAND NEW GSXR750 on the pavement because it was a first bike, kid was a jersey shore wanabe bad ass. Cold tires and mold release hadnt been scuffed off yet. He was blipping the throttle like a retard making noise, both feet out eases it out to the end of the lot, BraaaabBraaaapp leans dumps the clutch ass end steps out, redline, ssssssscccrraaaapppppp! everyone at Griffens I was watching with was rolling!

I dont know about people sometimes.

I was either there that day or it happened again with someone else because I swear the day I was there it was a busa. But it could have been a 750. Mr griffin tried selling the bike to my brother for cheap. Said the kid didn’t want it anymore

I think it was a 750. honestly dont remember either. Blue/white one. I was standing around back talking to my Buddy Jason that works there.

Wow sad to hear … RIP

It’s a very sad story. According to everyone who saw it, the guy on the bike pulled out trying to keep up with a buddy in front of him and did Not have enough room. He was not in control of the bike at all. The driver of the truck tried giving the rider CPR and everything.

Very sad indeed.

I just saw from my snowmobile club email (Charlton Snowmobile Club) that he was the son of the President of the club. I didn’t know much about the accident other than someone or the news said it was his fault. RIP to him. Sucks to hear another rider going down. Nobody want’s to hear that.

really unfortunate for the driver of the truck that hit him. That cant sit easy with someone no matter whos error it was



Apparently it was rather gruesome as well, with body parts “disconnecting”.

From what I heard there was a guy buying a bike inside at the time who ran out to attempt any emergency medical attention who went back inside and returned all paperwork on the bike.

very sad! RIP

My buddy just told me about this last night at his shop, guess he knew the guy, really terrible, he did the course at hvcc didnt he?

My wife missed the accident by 15 mins. His name id David Cook. Is is a race car driver too. Really sucks…really bad RIP

terrible thing to hear but it is a known risk when buying a bike

Unfortunately not.

If every rider accepted this risk there would be a lot less riders on the road riding a lot more behaved while wearing gear.

You also wouldn’t see people selling their bikes once they witness a friend crash and or die.

The “it won’t happen to me” mentality is too common.

well at least to me it was a risk that i knowingly took, learned how to ride last year when i bought my 08 gsxr600, rode it for 5000 miles and sold it. first and only bike i have ever owned, i think its rider responsibility and calculating risks where riders vary.

one of my main reasons for selling it was that no one rides them like a normal person ( at least in my experiance ) , every chance they get its in and out of traffic and 120 down the northway and that got old pretty quick.

edit ; granted once and a while i have dipped in and out of traffic and gone a bit quicker then i should have on the highway but to a limited extent not all the time like my group of friends did

Well that could be a whole another discussion that I will keep out of this thread.