riding 2 up

alright so the girl has been asking me to take her for a ride on the bike, but i keep putting it off because i know that i’m not experienced enough to ride with a passenger. I got on the bike today and she was joking around n jumped on the back. I could already tell that the bike is more top heavy and easier to lean.

I’m not going to be giving her a ride soon but just curious if there’s any tips any of you have to riding 2 up on a bike.

Yeah, call me up and I’ll make sure she knows what’s shes doing on the back :ninja

LOL just tell her you aint got the experience, also dont give chubby/fat chicks a ride, just tell them its against physics

Make sure you are 100% ready before you do and make sure she knows to follow what you do. There is not much scarier than having a passenger decide to sit up and fight the lean half way through a turn…

If you are unsure, just tell her you are not experience enough yet. Period. Have someone with experience be your test passenger and try it out around a parking lot first so you can get a feel for it.

Add a notch or two to your bike’s shock preload should help minimize the handling issue.


Add a solo tail and tell her there is no passenger seat? :rofl

Ride naked facing eachother.

its not terribly hard, she just needs to have enough sense to follow you and not bop around like a kid off ritalin

haha first thought of a person off ritalin came into my head… Joe Jiggs.

Joe Jiggs seems to be on your mind a lot. Why don’t you ask him on a date already?

tell her you need more experience. you especially need more slow speed experience (i.e. like making a tight turn below 5 mph) becaue these maneuvers are more difficult with a passenger. the bike can literally fall over in a very tight turn with a passenger because of the high center of gravity. at speed, its not so bad.

post pics! :thumb

ya its all about the low speed shit, in trafffic, in parking spots, dont have her sit until you back the bike out and get all ready to roll out foward… less chance of falling over… and tell her to lean with ya in the turns.

Or just send me pics to my email and if shes cute enough i’ll take care of her for ya

Riding with a passenger gets old…don’t do it LOL

What I did. lol. The GF did not appreciate it. :rofl

Yea definitely don’t do it if you’re not comfortable solo. Like said above, slow speed is the most difficult, just be quicker to put your feet down. No shame in that vs. dumping the bike and risking a passenger getting hurt.

The trick is to add the tail BEFORE she knew about the bike…:crackup

To be honest, there are some good info and advice here. I never ride with a passenger before so I can also pick up some pointers here.

I’ve rode with passengers plenty and some made damn good passengers that enhanced the trip long ride, others nearly killed me to the point where I had to stop get them off the bike and tell them that they will either follow the directions I give them or walk back home.

In case you need a reference, this is what a good passenger looks like…:rofl



i’ve told her that i do need some more time on the bike before i go about taking her for a ride. So maybe by the end of the season i should be experienced enough to go about giving her a ride. I’m sure she wont like it anyways cuz every girl that i’ve talked to that rode one said that they hate it cuz its uncomfortable. If she doesn’t like it, that just means i get to ride around without having to worry about another person. And sorry fella’s y’all can find another woman to take for a ride…

ya good thing u told her to wait, girls are pretty damn stupid and dont think twice before getting on the back of a bike with ANYONE , they got no clue how easy it is to dump those things and get fucked up for life or killed