RIP Georgian Luger

LOL, it doesn’t mean anything to me, and everything IS jolly well and happy.
And my loved one wasn’t on that luge, so I don’t give a fuck. Why is that such a hard concept to grasp?
When Crocodile Dundee died, a few people made sting ray jokes, 99% of the world condemned them and called them evil pieces of shit, talked about his family, his kids, etc… I was cracking the fuck up. To me, evil things are funny. To you, they’re not.
There’s also a gif out there, of the WTC towers falling, and MC hammer dancing like he’s the one breaking them. And another of Hulk Hogan. I can’t find the Hammer one, but here’s the Hulk one:

There’s another really awesome one, of Croc Dundee, poking an angel with a stick and it says “some people never learn”.

When you learn to embrace evil, and just laugh at it, all will be good. Until then, feel free to hate me, I’ll continue to smile :slight_smile: