risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

Stevil I’m pillaging three towns on your island as we speak. Once they get back ( and I get to work ) I’ll send you some sulfur. My academy is lvl 6 :smiley:

holy fuck man… lol level 6?


that would be ace though man :tup: sick of spending tons of $$$ on it via trade

Word, how much are you looking for? I need about 200 for my next upgrade, and I don’t have that much… but my ships should be returning with a fair amount from their successful pillages

as much as you can spare… I need to setup ships in the harbor but can’t afford it.

Need any marble? I can throw ya around 100 or so

Ugh the last two towns I pillaged only had gold and lumber, so I sent you about 50 of each, glass and sulphur :confused: Hope it helps

edit: part of my strategy is to look at the trading post for people local that have excess material for sale. Then I spy out their town and see if they even have adequate defense. If they don’t, I go take it for free. :slight_smile:

lol good strategy

thanks for the supplies man :tup: it will deffinitly help

so who do you go after? What levels are they at compared to you?

Sending you a message in game

…ha im not going to get anywork done

Finally finished researching wealth, research academy is upgrading to level 5. After thats done I can do a trading post. Then I will need more glass. Starting to get interesting and fun.

My town wall is level 2, have to get that up more.

When the town upgrades start taking three hours, it gets to be legitimately less fun.

I’m consistently upgrading the wall, warehouse, academy, town hall and barracks : Sucks!

U: KaitIsland
Town name: Wat
Coordinates: 40, 19

please don’t kill me just yet, i’m still trying to figure this thing out

do that asap. If an enemy attacks and breaches the wall, they get a 10% attack bonus on you.

If the wall is at the level of your townhall or above, you get a 10% defensive bonus I believe, but nothing if it’s a lower level

U: KaitIsland
Town name: Wat
Coordinates: 40, 19

please don’t kill me just yet, i’m still trying to figure this thing out

we’ll look out for you

I wouldn’t speak for all of us… once she is Lvl3, it’s fair game :smiley:

my wealth has 29 some hours left


what server are you on? I don’t see you

yawn… upgrading yet again

Yeah, between the multiple hour upgrades and the day long researching, there doesn’t leave much to do but pillage.

What level is your research academy and how many researchers do you have? I think wealth took 8 hours with 22 researchers for me.

thank you!

we’ll see if i even make it that far…

i have 8 researchers working on that shit… and lv2 for now once my town gets to 3 i will move it up